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ANKARA: French In Armenia 'Genocide' Row

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  • ANKARA: French In Armenia 'Genocide' Row


    BBC News, UK
    Oct 12 2006

    Ethnic Armenian campaigners in France hailed the result The French
    parliament has adopted a bill making it a crime to deny that Armenians
    suffered "genocide" at the hands of the Turks, infuriating Turkey.

    The bill, proposed by the Socialists and opposed by the government,
    needs approval from the Senate and president.

    Turkey called the decision a "serious blow" to relations with France.

    It has already threatened economic sanctions.

    Armenia says Ottoman Turks killed 1.5 million people systematically
    in 1915 - a claim strongly denied by Turkey.

    The European Commission has said that the bill, if passed into law,
    will "prohibit dialogue which is necessary for reconciliation"
    between Turkey and Armenia on the issue.

    The opposition against Turkey in the EU has begun to present an
    ugly face

    Cengiz Candar Turkish commentator

    Turkish press divided Send us your comments

    Turkey has been warning France for weeks not to pass the bill.

    "Turkish-French relations, which have been meticulously developed over
    the centuries, took a severe blow today through the irresponsible
    initiatives of some short-sighted French politicians, based on
    unfounded allegations," the Turkish foreign ministry said.

    Nobel prize

    The bill sponsored by the opposition Socialist party provides for a
    year in jail and a 45,000-euro (£30,000) fine - the same punishment
    that is imposed for denying the Nazi Holocaust.

    Q&A: Armenian genocide Turkish writer wins Nobel prize

    The ruling Union for a Popular Movement (UMP) did not back the law,
    but gave its deputies a free vote.

    It passed by 106 votes to 19, after most deputies left the chamber
    in protest against what critics say is an attempt to attract votes of
    the some 500,000 people of Armenian descent in presidential elections
    next year.

    Ethnic Armenians in Paris celebrated the result.

    "The memory of the victims is finally totally respected," said Alexis

    But French Prime Minister Dominique de Villepin distanced himself
    from the bill.

    It is "not a good thing to legislate on issues of history and of
    memory," he said.

    The vote came as controversial Turkish writer Orhan Pamuk won the
    2006 Nobel Prize in Literature.

    He has faced prosecution in Turkey for talking about the murder of
    hundreds of thousands of Armenians during World War I and thousands
    of Kurds in subsequent years.

    The charges have since been dropped.

    EU membership bid

    Debate on the Armenian issue has been stifled in Turkey.

    Arguments have raged for decades about the Armenian deaths

    The official Turkish position states that many Christian Armenians
    and Muslim Turks died in fighting during World War I - but that there
    was no genocide.

    The BBC's Sarah Rainsford in Istanbul says many Turks are angry
    at what they see as double standards in the EU, where opinions are
    sharply divided about whether Turkey should be allowed to join.

    Turkey's chief negotiator in EU membership talks, Ali Babacan, said:
    "This is violating one of the core principles of the European Union,
    which is freedom of expression."

    "Leave history to historians," he added.

    France's President Chirac and Interior Minister Nicolas Sarkozy have
    both said Turkey will have to recognise the Armenian deaths as genocide
    before it joins the EU - though this is not the official EU position.

    There are accusations in Turkey that the Armenian diaspora and
    opponents of Turkey's EU membership bid are using this issue to
    prevent Turkey joining the 25-member bloc.
