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BEIRUT: Armenians Rally Against Turkish Participation In U.N. Peacek

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  • BEIRUT: Armenians Rally Against Turkish Participation In U.N. Peacek


    NaharNet, Lebanon
    Oct 12 2006

    Thousands of Lebanon's Armenians rallied in Beirut Thursday against
    Turkish troops taking part in a U.N. peacekeeping force there, on
    the same day France moved to make denial of the Ottoman genocide of
    Armenians a crime.

    Armenian political and religious leaders attended the demonstration,
    which came just two days after the first contingent of Turkish
    peacekeepers arrived to police a ceasefire between Israel and

    The rally took place on Beirut's downtown Place des Martyrs, which
    honors six Lebanese nationalists who were hanged by the Ottomans
    during World War I.

    The crowd, drawn from an Armenian community of about 140,000 people,
    held high banners denouncing the presence of Turkish troops as "an
    insult to the collective memory of the Armenian people", while waving
    Armenian, Lebanese and French flags.

    "Genocide, massacre, deportation: Turkey's definition of peace,"
    read another banner.

    Earlier Thursday, French deputies approved a bill making it a crime
    to deny that the 1915-1917 massacre of Armenians by the Ottomans was
    genocide, provoking the fury of Turkey, the modern state that emerged
    from the Ottoman Empire.

    "What France has done is very good. The Lebanese government should
    do the same instead of welcoming Turkish troops," said an elderly
    demonstrator who gave his name as Taurus.

    "Chirac is on the right track," said one of the organizers, Sarkis
    Katchadorian, referring to French President Jacques Chirac.

    Overriding widespread opposition, the Turkish parliament approved a
    government motion on September 5 to contribute troops to the U.N.

    Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL) following a ceasefire that ended
    34 days of fighting.

    In total, Turkey is to deploy some 700 soldiers in Lebanon, including
    troops aboard naval ships. Those that landed on Tuesday were the
    first Muslim peacekeepers to arrive in the war-scarred country.

    Turkey contests the term "genocide" and strongly opposed the French

    It says 300,000 Armenians, and at least as many Turks, died in civil
    strife when Armenians took up arms for independence and sided with
    invading Russian troops as the Ottoman Empire fell apart during World
    War I.

    Armenians say up to 1.5 million of their ancestors were slaughtered
    in orchestrated killings, which they maintain can only be seen as

    The French bill must now go to the Senate, or upper house of
    parliament, for another vote.

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress