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Baku Calls on Turkey to Exile 70 Thousand Armenians

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  • Baku Calls on Turkey to Exile 70 Thousand Armenians


    Baku Calls on Turkey to Exile 70 Thousand Armenians
    13.10.2006 14:04 GMT+04:00

    /PanARMENIAN.Net/ `Azerbaijan and Turkey should join against France
    over the adoption of the Armenian Genocide bill,' said Azeri
    parliamentarian Ganira Pashayeva. `First, Turkey should recognize the
    genocide in Algeria perpetrated by France. Then Turkey should
    recognize the genocide committed by Armenians against Azeris in
    Khojaly. The economic relations with France should be
    reconsidered. This move by the French parliament can serve as an
    example for the other European states,' she said. According to
    Pashayeva, all this will have a negative impact on Azerbaijan.

    `That is why we should at the level of Foreign Ministry and parliament
    protest against the adopted bill. Over 70 thousand Armenians illegally
    live and work in Turkey. The Turkish government should exile the
    illegal Armenian migrants and such decision will not conflict with the
    international law. If they speak of Genocide and take such moves
    against Turkey, so why have they chosen this country for living? Let
    them go to France or any other state that recognizes the Armenian
    Genocide,' she said. As for France's being the co-chair of the OSCE
    Minsk Group on the Nagorno Karabakh conflict settlement, Pashayeva
    said, `I suppose we should think of this question, since France
    demonstrated its position having passed such a bill.

    The composition of the Minsk Group should be changed or the format be
    expanded,' reports