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Hakobyan Deprived of Immunity

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  • Hakobyan Deprived of Immunity


    [08:45 pm] 13 October, 2006

    The Parliament agreed to the mediation of the RA Public Prosecutor
    `to involve NA deputy Hakob Hakobyan in the case as accused'. 56
    deputies voted for and 22 voted against. 84 deputies participated in
    the secret vote. Six ballots were invalid.

    Member of the calculating committee Aghasi Arshakyan announced that
    there were violations during the voting as different deputies marked
    the ballots differently. But head of the committee Gagik Meliqyan
    announced that the information does not correspond to reality and the
    voting took place according to the regulations.

    By the way, Hakob Hakobyan himself voted for his being involved in the
    case as accused.

    Before voting the factions represented their positions about the

    National Unity announced that they will not participate in the
    voting. Leader of the United Labor party faction Gourgen Arsenyan and
    secretary of «Justice» faction Grigor Haroutyunyan announced that
    their deputies are free to vote as they want to. The Orinats Yerkir
    and People's Party were of the same opinion. The ARF Dashnaktsutyun
    was for restricting the immunity of deputies, and the Republican party
    was for realization of justice and «not patriotic speeches».

    Leader of the Republican faction Galoust Sahakyan blamed the
    opposition and reminded that Hakobyan is their friend and even if he
    has committed a crime, he is still their friend; in the end he noted
    that the Parliament does not have the right to hinder realization of

    NA Speaker Tigran Torosyan added that the Parliament has no right to
    deprive the deputy of his right to prove his innocence.

    After the speeches the floor was given to Hakob Hakobyan. He informed
    that he has really participated in the quarrel. «Yes, I did it and I
    prevented bloodshed», he said and informed that thanks to him the
    quarrel did not end with shooting and victims. Hakobyan informed that
    he is not against investigation, but if they try to violate his
    rights, he will defend himself. «I warn you, I'm not afraid of death».

    The deputy also announced that he was elected in 1999 and in 1991-1999
    he was a common citizen and asked why his affairs weren't checked
    then. He also showed the case against his friend where his name was
    involved two, `Three courts have justified him', he underlined.

    Hakobyan claimed that 90% of the case is fabricated against him. He
    claimed that the representatives of the Karate federation stopped the
    supply of gas to his gas station and demanded money in order to
    restart it. According to him, this was the reason why the quarrel
    started. He informed the Public Prosecutor that 165 houses have been
    searched illegally, 35 people have been arrested and there has been no
    news about them for the last four days, but the criminal case has been
    initiated only against four people. `Where are the others?' the deputy

    At the end of his speech Hakob Hakobyan informed that his rights have
    been violated in the isolation cell: he had no telephone and no