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French bill complicates Turkey's EU bid

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  • French bill complicates Turkey's EU bid

    Christian Science Monitor, MA
    Oct 13 2006

    French bill complicates Turkey's EU bid

    The French National Assembly's move to outlaw denials of an Armenian
    genocide has enraged Turkey.
    By Scott Peterson | Staff writer of The Christian Science Monitor

    ISTANBUL, TURKEY - By a wide margin, the French parliament voted
    Thursday to make it a criminal act to deny an Armenian genocide at
    the hands of Ottoman Turks, enraging Turkey and further deepening its
    suspicion of the European Union.
    Islamic Turkey - which has sought for decades to join the EU and is
    now in membership negotiations - vowed retaliation against France
    that could disrupt billions of dollars in trade, even as both sides
    explore the limits of free speech.

    The vote came the same day that Orhan Pamuk, the celebrated Turkish
    novelist, was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature. Charges of
    "denigrating Turkishness" against Mr. Pamuk - brought after he
    publicly spoke of the killing of 1 million Armenians during World War
    I, and 30,000 Kurds - were dropped earlier this year in a case seen
    as a test of Turkey's commitment to EU-driven reforms.

    The two events get at the heart of contradictions in modern Turkey,
    where democratic and West-leaning EU aspirations often clash with
    history. The staunchly secular state - a full member of the NATO
    military alliance - casts itself as an indispensable bridge between
    East and West, but has yet to be accepted as such by Europe.

    Many Turks see the genocide vote - a hot- button issue - as just one
    more obstacle to keep them out of the 25-member EU club.

    "Turks find it very hard to swallow this; even Francophile Turks
    educated there are turning their backs on France," says Sami Kohen, a
    foreign affairs columnist for Milliyet newspaper. "A lot of us fear
    this will further encourage critics of the EU [who] will say: 'Enough
    is enough; we should give up on this EU.' "

    Turkish lawmakers Wednesday proposed a counter-bill that would
    recognize an "Algerian genocide" carried out by colonial French
    forces in 1945.

    Turkish columnists are also raising France's considerable role in
    Rwanda's 1994 genocide, as they seek to even the moral playing field.

    Analysts say the French vote is likely to embolden Turkish
    nationalists and those who oppose EU membership for Turkey. Recent
    polls show that Turkish support for joining the EU has dropped from
    nearly 70 to around 50 percent now.

    To become law, the bill must pass the French senate, which is not
    certain, and be signed by President Jacques Chirac. Punishment would
    include a one-year prison term, and a 45,000 ($56,500) fine, the
    same penalty now on French books for denying the Holocaust.

    One Turkish newspaper headline took aim at France's reputation as the
    home of human rights and justice. It read: "Liberté, égalité,

    "Fr ench-Turkish relations, which have developed over centuries ...
    have been dealt a blow today as a result of the irresponsible false
    claims of French politicians who do not see the political
    consequences of their actions," Turkey's foreign ministry Abdullah
    Gul said in a statement.

    "If this bill is passed, Turkey will not lose anything but France
    will lose Turkey," Mr. Gul had warned before the vote. "[France] will
    turn into a country that jails people who express their views."

    The vote has become a political issue in France, where a majority is
    against Turkey's membership in the EU, where 400,000 ethnic Armenians
    live, and presidential elections are to be held in seven months.
    French exports to Turkey in 2005 totaled $5 billion.

    During a visit to Armenia last week, Mr. Chirac stated that Turkey
    should not be allowed to join the EU unless it officially accepts
    that the death of more than 1 million Armenians, which took place in
    the last years of the Ottoman Empire, constitute a "genocide."

    Though the French government said Thursday it opposed the legislation
    as "unnecessary and untimely," Chirac says Turkey must recognize the
    genocide before it joins the EU.

    But while EU officials have been at pains to note that no such
    genocide criterion applies to Turkey, the sentiment matches widening
    unease in Europe over Turkey's EU application. Such fears in France
    are believed to be one reason the French last year rejected the
    proposed EU constitution.

    "France has done its best to hamper Turkey's relations with the EU"
    and has been seeking "a kind of vengeance" against Turkey since the
    EU constitution failure, says Seyfi Tashan, director of the Turkish
    Foreign Policy Institute in Ankara, Turkey's capital. "So
    politically, the more damage they do to Turkey, the better."

    Armenians say that 1.5 million died in 1915 in the first systematic
    genocide of the 20th century, though historians often count 1
    million. Turkey officially argues that some 300,000 Armenians died in
    a partisan conflict that took just as many Turkish lives, when
    Armenians sided with invading Russian armies during World War I.

    While Turkey has declared that it would open its files to historians,
    a host of Turkish writers and academics who have challenged official
    versions of events, sometimes using the word "genocide," have been
    charged with insulting the state by hard-line prosecutors.

    Treading that line has been Mr. Pamuk, whose novels have dug into
    Turkey's imperial past to explore the contradictions and dilemmas of
    modern Turkey. The Nobel citation praised the work: "In the quest for
    the melancholic soul of his native city, [Pamuk] has discovered new
    symbols for the clash and interlacing of cultures." In February 2005,
    Pamuk told a Swiss newspaper that "30,000 Kurds and a million
    Armenians were killed in these lands and nobody but me dares to talk
    about it."

    "What I said is not an insult, it is the truth," Pamuk said during
    his trial. "But what if it is wrong? Right or wrong, do people not
    have the right express their ideas peacefully?"