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EU Criticizes French Vote to Punish the Denial of Armenian Genocide

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  • EU Criticizes French Vote to Punish the Denial of Armenian Genocide

    Los Angeles Times
    Oct 13 2006

    EU Criticizes French Vote to Punish the Denial of Armenian Genocide
    By Achrene Sicakyuz, Times Staff Writer
    October 13, 2006

    PARIS - Another potential barrier to Turkey's entry to the European
    Union surfaced Thursday when the French National Assembly approved a
    bill that would punish anyone who denied that the killing of
    Armenians by Ottoman Turks during and after World War I was genocide.

    Under the legislation, asserting that the massacres, expulsions and
    imprisonment that killed an estimated 1.2 million Armenians in the
    former Ottoman Empire did not constitute genocide can be punished by
    up to a year of imprisonment and a $57,000 fine.

    The EU, which began discussing Turkey's membership last year,
    strongly criticized the vote, which also drew rebukes from the
    Turkish government.

    "In the case this bill would become a law, it would prevent the
    dialogue and debate that are necessary for reconciliation," said a
    spokeswoman for Olli Rehn, the EU commissioner for enlargement.

    The Turkish government threatened to retaliate by boycotting French

    "No one should harbor the conviction that Turkey will take this
    lightly," Turkish Foreign Minister Abdullah Gul said. "From now on,
    France will never describe itself as the homeland of freedoms."

    Protesters in Ankara, the Turkish capital, hurled eggs at the French
    Embassy, and in Istanbul demonstrators marched down the city's main
    commercial thoroughfare and laid a black wreath at the gates of the
    French Consulate.

    The Turkish government denies that genocide took place, and it has
    prosecuted artists, authors and intellectuals for statements
    regarding the issue.

    The Armenian community in France, which numbers about 400,000,
    pressed hard for the measure and hailed the vote as a long-awaited

    "The memory of the victims is finally totally respected," said Alexis
    Govciyan, a prominent French Armenian political activist.

    The legislation passed on a vote of 106 to 19, with many abstentions
    among the 577 assembly members.

    It must also pass the Senate to be sent to the president. The current
    government opposes the bill.

    "Based on our experience, we know it is not a good thing to legislate
    on such questions," French Prime Minister Dominique de Villepin said