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BAKU: Azeri NGOs: Debar France from Cochairmanship in OSCE MG

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  • BAKU: Azeri NGOs: Debar France from Cochairmanship in OSCE MG

    TREND, Azerbaijan
    Oct 13 2006

    Azeri NGOs Require to Debar France from Co-chairmanship in OSCE Minsk

    Source: Trend
    Author: S.Ilhamgizi


    The French Parliament's adoption of the law penalizing the denial of
    the so-called `Armenian genocide' once again testifies how France is
    not in line with the principles of objectiveness and justice with
    regards to Turkey, Trend reports with reference to the statement of
    the National Forum of Non-governmental Organizations of Azerbaijan
    (NFNGOA) disseminated on October 12.

    It is stated in the NFNGOA document, which brings together 400 NGOs,
    that France, as a member of the OSCE Minsk Group, once again openly
    demonstrated its support for Armenia.

    Adoption of this law by the French Parliament has brought serious
    problems to all democratic values, free ideas and free speech and has
    broken the security and co-operation in Europe.

    `We consider that France, as a member of the OSCE Minsk Group, is
    losing its confidence, and the country has no moral right to continue
    its mission as mediator in the settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh
    conflict. From this point of view, Azerbaijan should abandon the
    mediation mission of France and ensure the removal of this Country
    from the Minsk Group', the statement read.