Focus News, Bulgaria
Oct 13 2006
Bulgarian PM: Chirac and I Haven't Discussed France's Bill on
Armenian Genocide
13 October 2006 | 13:42 | FOCUS News Agency
Paris. `French President Jacques Chirac and I haven't discussed the
French bill on the Armenian genocide', Bulgarian Prime Minister
Sergey Stanishev said answering a question of AP Stanishev was
received today by the French President at his Elysees Palace. `The
issue is nether related to the French-Bulgarian relations, nor to the
common European politics. It's an issue related to the Frech-Turkish
relations', said the Bulgarian Prime Minister, who is on a official
visit to France.
From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress
Oct 13 2006
Bulgarian PM: Chirac and I Haven't Discussed France's Bill on
Armenian Genocide
13 October 2006 | 13:42 | FOCUS News Agency
Paris. `French President Jacques Chirac and I haven't discussed the
French bill on the Armenian genocide', Bulgarian Prime Minister
Sergey Stanishev said answering a question of AP Stanishev was
received today by the French President at his Elysees Palace. `The
issue is nether related to the French-Bulgarian relations, nor to the
common European politics. It's an issue related to the Frech-Turkish
relations', said the Bulgarian Prime Minister, who is on a official
visit to France.
From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress