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Expert: Ankara's next step will be charging the US with genocide

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  • Expert: Ankara's next step will be charging the US with genocide

    Regnum, Russia
    Oct 13 2006

    Expert: Ankara's next step will be charging the US with the genocide
    of Indians in North America

    As you may know, after the visit of French President Jacques Chirac
    to Armenia and his statement during a press-conference in Yerevan
    that the French Parliament was drafting a bill on criminal
    responsibility for denying the Armenian Genocide of 1915-1923, they
    in Turkey and Azerbaijan have launched a large-scale anti-French
    campaign. Expert of the Caucasus analytical center Sergey Shakaryants
    comments on the matter.

    He says that the situation when Turkish politicians are charging
    France with `genocide in Algeria' is more like the childish `You are
    fool yourself!' style than an attitude of conscious political or
    public figures to a serious problem. `Instead of recognizing or
    producing real facts and documents to disprove the Armenian Genocide
    perpetrated in Western Armenia and other parts of the former Ottoman
    Empire, the Turks are trying to charge with genocide the countries
    who have taken steps to recognize and condemn the crime committed by
    Turkish chauvinists. In such a case, the Turks will have no end of
    work to do - for example, their next step may be charging with a
    genocide of North American Indians almost all the US states whose
    national assemblies have passed resolutions recognizing and
    condemning the Armenian Genocide.'

    `True, Turkey will hardly dare to be as blackmailing to even one US
    state as it is now to France. Old Continent is a different story -
    they are burdened with the necessity of negotiating EU membership
    with Ankara and are absolutely at a loss what to do with the problem
    of yearly swelling Muslim and Turkish gastarbeiter communities in
    almost all European states,' says Shakaryants.

    He believes that Azerbaijan's solidarity with Turkey in the matter
    comes more from self-interest than barely from commitment to the
    recent Azeri-Turkish agreements on mutual support in `fighting the
    Armenian lobby' worldwide. `This can be seen in the recent behavior
    of Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev and Foreign Minister Elmar
    Mammadyarov, who have begun to actively argue for the deployment of
    some `international peacekeepers' in the Karabakh-Azerbaijani
    conflict zone. Their point is that, since the OSCE MG states have,
    allegedly, no right to provide their military contingents for such
    `peacekeeping,' they, in tandem with Ankara, will succeed in `pushing
    through' the scenario of Turkish peacekeeping presence, like was the
    case in Lebanon,' says Shakaryants.

    `However, the attempts of Turkey and Azerbaijan to blackmail the
    international community and Armenia with NKR are a priori doomed to
    failure. It was not without purpose that Turkey was debarred from any
    active part in the OSCE MG - Yerevan and Stepanakert are unanimous
    that Turkey, who, de facto, took part in the war (to remind, any form
    of blockade by any country, in fact, even by the UN, is considered to
    be a form of waging or partaking a war) had and has absolutely no
    right to take part in the affairs of the South Caucasus, not
    mentioning the Karabakh peace process. The Armenian Genocide issue
    will always be `a sword of Damocles' for Ankara if it actually wants
    to join United Europe - at least, because there are still many
    descendants of Armenian Genocide victims living in many European
    countries,' says Shakaryants.

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress