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BAKU: Azeri MPs urge French senate to reject Armenian Genocide bill

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  • BAKU: Azeri MPs urge French senate to reject Armenian Genocide bill

    Azad Azarbaycan TV, Baku,
    13 Oct 06


    [Presenter] The Azerbaijani parliament has expressed its protest at
    the law adopted by the French National Assembly criminalizing the
    denial of the so-called Armenian genocide. The Milli Maclis adopted a
    statement criticizing the French parliament for believing false
    Armenian propaganda and demanding that the Senate reject the law.

    [Correspondent] The so-called Armenian genocide is a figment of one's
    diseased imagination and is based on false documents, the Milli
    Maclis says in a statement issued in protest at the law adopted by
    the French National Assembly criminalizing the denial of the
    so-called Armenian genocide. The statement says that the Armenians
    have been conducting their reviled policy against Turks for centuries
    and have always tried to take advantage of the so-called Armenian

    Although a proposal has been made to open the archives of the Ottoman
    Empire, the Armenian side have always refused a healthy scientific
    dispute. In fact, using covert and overt support from Tsarist Russia
    beginning from the end of the 19th century, Armenian nationalists
    have carried out acts of terror against Turks in Turkey and in the
    South Caucasus and violently wiped out hundreds of thousands of Turks
    and razed villages and monuments to the ground.

    [Passage omitted: Historical background]

    The statement said that by falling for Armenian lies and adopting
    such a law, the French National Assembly is dealing a heavy blow to
    the mediatory mission of the French government to establish peace and
    stability in the South Caucasus.

    [Passage omitted: Deputy Speaker Bahar Muradova read out the
    statement from the rostrum]

    The Azerbaijani Milli Maclis, which expresses the will of the
    Azerbaijani people, voices its strong protest at the adoption of the
    unfair law by the French parliament and expects the French Senate to
    take urgent measures to prevent it from taking force.

    Namiq Aliyev, Emin Aliyarli, "Son Xabar".