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Sergey's sonatas skim the surface

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  • Sergey's sonatas skim the surface

    The Daily Telegraph (LONDON)
    October 13, 2006 Friday

    Sergey's sonatas skim the surface

    by Geoffrey Norris

    Sergey Khachatryan

    SERGEY Khachatryan marked all three of this year's key anniversaries
    with a recital of sonatas by Mozart, Schumann and Shostakovich. The
    21-year-old Armenian violinist has been making great waves with his
    performances of the Shostakovich concertos, and here it was the same
    composer's Violin Sonata Op 134 that drew from him the most
    arresting, focused and sharply characterised playing.

    Accompanied by his pianist sister Lusine, Khachatryan emphasised the
    bleached starkness of the opening andante movement, colouring the
    more active second subject with wry tinges, and striking out boldly
    and vibrantly in a propulsive account of the sonata's central
    scherzo. The finale's essential seriousness and introspection were
    strongly underlined.

    That strange passage where the piano is let off the leash for a
    display of wild virtuosity could have been articulated more crisply,
    but the brother and sister duo were as one, in coordination and in
    probing the music's spiritual core.

    Khachatryan has a dazzling, seemingly effortless technique, and in
    the Shostakovich applied it to musical ends with impressive
    concentration and maturity of insight. Elsewhere, however, the
    playing did not always display the same stylistic acumen. Two years
    ago, he included Schumann's A minor Sonata Op 105 in another recital
    he gave at the Wigmore Hall, and his interpretation of it does not
    seem to have deepened appreciably since then. On the plus side, there
    were beguiling subtleties of expression, and, in the central
    allegretto, a violin line of full, malleable tone.

    But, as yet, Khachatryan's temperament does not seem to warm to the
    music's more passionate outpourings. Both in the piano part and in
    the violin's, there was a certain reticence about yielding to the
    music's great turbulent surges, leaving something of an emotional
    void in a performance that was certainly well-controlled and expertly
    played but slightly underpowered.

    Mozart's B flat major Sonata K378, with which the Khachatryans began
    their recital, suddenly came alive in the final rondeau, where both
    artists tackled the music with spirit and drive. Up until then, the
    interpretation had sounded rather wan, with pretty, limpid playing
    from the piano, and a great deal of finesse from the violin, but
    little to scratch the music's surface. There was something cool and
    unaffecting about this Mozart, which seemed to suggest that it was
    not yet these young performers' true metier, but the Shostakovich
    decisively remedied things.