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Pamuk's Politicized Prize

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  • Pamuk's Politicized Prize

    Los Angeles Times
    Oct 14 2006

    Pamuk's Politicized Prize
    The Nobel Committee may honor lefty politics as much as it honors
    literature, but it's France, Turkey and the U.S. that really play
    politics with language.
    October 14, 2006

    'THERE IS NO SUCH THING," George Orwell once said, "as a genuinely
    nonpolitical literature." That probably comes as news to millions of
    Danielle Steel fans. Still, if Orwell had only tacked on the word
    "award" to his aphorism, that 1946 statement would have been as
    eerily prescient as his novel "1984."

    Take Thursday's awarding of the Nobel Prize for Literature to Turkish
    writer Orhan Pamuk. Though the secular storyteller has been a rumored
    Nobel candidate since his lyrical 2002 novel, "Snow," he is perhaps
    best known for being charged in his native country last year for
    "denigrating" the Turkish identity. His crime consisted of pointing
    out, in an interview with a journalist, that the Ottoman Empire
    killed 1.2 million Armenians nine decades ago and that its successor
    has killed 30,000 Kurds over the last two.

    Although charges against him were eventually dropped,
    Pamuk becomes the third consecutive literature laureate with heavy
    political baggage. Last year's winner, British playwright Harold
    Pinter, is equally well known for his strident leftist politics. The
    2004 honoree, Elfriede Jelinek, is a fierce critic of Austria's
    conservative establishment.

    As tempting as it is to poke fun at political moralizing from the
    Nobel committee, the ones truly deserving of criticism are the
    governments - not just of Turkey but also of France and the United
    States - that twist language into politics by criminalizing speech
    and denying the truth.

    Turkey continues to demonstrate its unreadiness to join the ranks of
    mature democracies with its many attacks on free expression, most of
    them springing from laws against insulting the state or its
    institutions. And the list of jokes that insecure Ankarites can't
    take is long: suggesting that troops be withdrawn from Cyprus;
    criticizing Kemal Ataturk, the long-dead father of modern Turkey;
    even having a fictional character in a novel speak of the Armenian
    genocide. The country is consistently ranked about 100th in the world
    by global nonprofit groups that measure press freedom, and the
    European Union has insisted on easing these restrictions as a
    precondition to Turkey's membership.

    During that process, France has taken the lead in pushing Turkey to
    join the 21st century instead of squabbling over the 20th. But as is
    too often the case in Europe, the state's zeal to promote the truth
    has manifested itself in a prohibition against the individual's right
    to state falsehoods. On Thursday, as Pamuk was winning his prize, the
    French National Assembly passed a bill making it an imprisonable
    offense to deny that the Armenian genocide took place. This matches
    similar laws across the EU criminalizing Holocaust denial. Both
    notions exhibit an unseemly lack of confidence in the free
    competition of ideas and leave European governments open to charges
    of hypocrisy.

    France has a partly questionable motivation - anti-Turkish animus -
    for coming down on the side of truth. The U.S., which is motivated by
    a desire to please its most important Muslim ally, has come out on
    the other side - refusing to call the Armenian genocide by its proper
    name. Proving again that nothing corrupts language more than
    politics. "Political speech and writing," to quote Orwell again, "are
    largely the defense of the indefensible."