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ANKARA: Orhan Spoke Falsely

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  • ANKARA: Orhan Spoke Falsely


    Sabah, Turkey
    Oct 16 2006

    Nobel winner Orhan Pamuk's mother, ªekure Basman, has commented on
    her son's controversial words after 1.5 years: "He spoke falsely."

    Orhan Pamuk's mother, ªekure Basman, has commented on Pamuk's words;
    "1 million Armenian and 30,000 Kurds were killed." ªekure Basman
    said: "Orhan spoke falsely to a small European Newspaper. However,
    the Turkish press exaggerated his false statement. The government
    tried to cover it up, but the press scooped it up."

    "My son said false things"

    Orhan Pamuk's mother has commented on her son's words regarding the
    death of 1 million Armenians on Turkish land: "Orhan spoke falsely."

    ªekure Basman has given an interview to SABAH Newspaper, as the mother
    of the first Turk to have ever received a Nobel Prize. ªekure Basman
    said: "I am very happy for my son but when I heard he won a Nobel
    Prize, I thought 'God knows what they will write about him this
    time...'. Orhan probably knew false things about history. I don't
    think he has much information about the subject. No one teaches these
    things in school. I myself have no idea about this issue. Orhan spoke
    falsely to a reporter from a small Swedish newspaper. However, the
    Turkish press overexaggerated his statements. Although the government
    tried to cover it up, the Turkish press scooped it up and took great
    pleasure from doing so. I think it is the press we should blame."

    --Boundary_(ID_itDUNMj1Lf9nTfI6AhtXn g)--