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Watervliet celebrates priestly anniversary

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  • Watervliet celebrates priestly anniversary

    Diocese of the Armenian Church of America (Eastern)
    630 Second Avenue, New York, NY 10016
    Contact: Jake Goshert, Coordinator of Information Services
    Tel: (212) 686-0710 Ext. 60; Fax: (212) 779-3558
    E-mail: [email protected]

    October 16, 2006


    By Florence Avakian

    For Fr. Stepanos Doudoukjian, pastor of the St. Peter Church of Watervliet,
    NY, ministry is about building a connection to the next generation. For the
    past 10 years, passing the flame of Armenian Christianity has been the focus
    of his ministry.

    On Sunday, October 1, 2006, Archbishop Khajag Barsamian, Primate of the
    Diocese of the Armenian Church of America (Eastern), presented Fr.
    Doudoukjian with the pectoral cross in honor of the 10th anniversary of his
    ordination to the priesthood.

    "The idea of 'Carrying the Flame' has been the over-arching theme of Fr.
    Stepanos Doudoukjian's entire ministry," said the Primate in his remarks
    during the celebration. "The idea of 'Youth Carrying the Flame' has the goal
    of passing the flame of our heritage on to our children, who will carry it
    into the 21st century. Der Stepanos is surely a man who has chosen to carry
    that flame, and he does so with the utmost respect and love for what our
    flame represents."

    "By carrying that flame, Der Stepanos has devoted his ministry to inspiring
    others to carry it beside him," the Primate added.

    Fr. Stepanos not only works with youth in his parish but also works as
    director of youth and vocation at St. Nersess Seminary, organizing events
    designed to bring the next generation deeper into the fold of Christ.

    "This demonstrations his wonderful, loving touch," the Primate said. "As an
    American-born priest, he speaks in a special way to those born in this
    country, and has made it a special part of his ministry to reach the newest
    of our newcomers."


    In his remarks during the celebratory dinner, Fr. Doudoukjian pointed out
    that the cross he was presented with is an eternal reminder of Jesus'
    suffering. He noted that his passion for the pastoral vocation was shared
    by his friend Fr. Haroutiun Dagley, who was ordained just one week before
    Fr. Doudoukjian. Fr. Dagley passed away in 2002.

    The two friends spent their traditional 40-day retreat after ordination
    together. "I wear this cross in memory of Fr. Dagley," Fr. Doudoukjian said

    He also paid tribute to his wife, Yn. Paulette, and his children Jonah, 5,
    and Gloria, 3. "It's a blessing to have my family work with me," he said.


    The son of Sona and the late Charles Doudoukjian, Fr. Doudoukjian was born
    and raised in Teaneck, NJ, and earned his bachelor's degree in elementary
    education from Dominican College in Orangeburg, NJ, and his master's of
    divinity degree from St. Nersess and St. Vladimir's Seminaries.

    Expanding his religious education, he traveled twice to Armenia, and spent
    six months in Jerusalem. From 1994 to 1995, he worked as a pastoral
    assistant and youth director for the Church of the Holy Martyrs in Bayside,
    NY, and at the Diocesan Center, focusing on college ministry.

    When he was ordained in 1996 by Archbishop Barsamian, he requested the name
    Stepanos, in honor of his deceased twin-brother. Following his Karasoonk (a
    40-day secluded religious retreat) at St. Nersess Seminary, he celebrated
    his first Divine Liturgy on Palm Sunday, March 31, 1996. In addition to his
    parish work, the Primate assigned him to serve as the director of the St.
    Nersess Summer and Winter Conferences for Armenian youth, a position he
    still holds. He also directs the St. Nersess Youth and Vocations, a
    recruitment program for new priests. He calls the latter "one of the most
    important institutions."

    More important for Fr. Doudoukjian than being granted the pectoral cross is
    the focus on his "responsibility as a priest. It is a simple reminder to
    live out my vocation each day, to be humble, to be a servant, and a shepherd
    for the flock," he notes.

    In wanting to connect with his parishioners, he offered a retreat entitled,
    "God's Call To You," on September 30, 2006, which was also attended by the
    Primate. "It was a quiet time to reflect, and to reconnect with God, and
    with prayer. It was a reaffirmation of my calling."

    He said when he was ordained he wrote a poem, "The Call," in which he
    related the choice that everyone (not just priests) makes, to respond to or
    disregard God's "Call". "The retreat was just such an opportunity to think
    about such decisions," he says.

    For the future, he wants God "to achieve something through me, and for me to
    continue to serve him. I pray that many more men and women will serve our
    church, because at the end of the day, it's an honor to be walking with the

    The celebratory dinner was held at St. Peter Church, and was attended by
    more than 150 parishioners and friends, following the Holy Badarak that
    morning, celebrated by Fr. Doudoukjian.

    The dinner was sponsored by the parish council members Joanne Scaringe and
    Mary Hartunian, and featured the church's Sipan junior dance group as well
    as congratulatory remarks by parish council chairman Robert Meeson, and
    vice-chairman Erik Trojian.

    -- 10/16/06

    E-mail photos available on request. Photos also viewable in the News and
    Events section of the Eastern Diocese's website,

    PHOTO CAPTION (1): Fr. Stepanos Doudoukjian, pastor of the St. Peter Church
    of Watervliet, NY, delivers communion during the badarak on Sunday, October
    1, 2006, the celebration of the 10th anniversary of his priestly ordination.

    PHOTO CAPTION (2): Archbishop Khajag Barsamian, Primate, presents Fr.
    Stepanos Doudoukjian with the pectoral cross marking his decade of ministry.

    PHOTO CAPTION (3): Dancers from the Sipan dance group of the St. Peter
    Church of Watervliet, NY, perform on Sunday, October 1, 2006, for
    parishioners during the dinner celebrating the 10th anniversary of the
    ordination of the parish's pastor, Fr. Stepanos Doudoukjian.

    PHOTO CAPTION (4): Fr. Stepanos Doudoukjian, pastor of the St. Peter Church
    of Watervliet, NY, speaks about answering God's call during the celebratory
    banquet marking the 10th anniversary of his priestly ordination.

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