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RFE/RL Iran Report - 10/17/2006

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  • RFE/RL Iran Report - 10/17/2006

    _________________________________________ ____________________
    RFE/RL Iran Report
    Vol. 9, No. 38, 17 October 2006

    A Review of Developments in Iran Prepared by the Regional Specialists
    of RFE/RL's Newsline Team

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    registered to become candidates for the Assembly of Experts elections
    to be held on December 15. Eligible candidates will have to pass a
    theological exam as well as a thorough vetting of their backgrounds
    and political tendencies. The country's conservative clerical
    elite has used this vetting process to weed out anybody who might
    upset the status quo. Meanwhile, the leading fundamentalist candidate
    and his allies have been slinging mud at their most prominent
    opponent, a former president who is comparatively pragmatic.
    The 86 clerical members of the assembly -- which is empowered
    to select and supervise the supreme leader -- includes many of the
    country's most senior personalities.

    Big-Name Supporters Of Status Quo

    Among those who had signed up in hopes of being a candidate
    were former Supreme National Security Council Secretary Hojatoleslam
    Hassan Rohani, former Judiciary chief Ayatollah Mohammad Yazdi,
    former Guardians Council member Ayatollah Abolqasem Khazali, and
    Islamic Culture and Communications Organization head Ayatollah
    Mohammad Ali Taskhiri.
    So, too, did Ayatollah Mohammad Taqi Mesbah-Yazdi, the
    controversial cleric who includes President Mahmud Ahmadinejad among
    his followers and who famously advocated violence against reformists.
    Mesbah-Yazdi's ambition may go beyond re-election to the
    Assembly and include eventual ascension to the highest position in
    the country, the supreme leadership.
    "The New York Times" reported on September 25 that
    Mesbah-Yazdi and Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei are allies and
    based this statement on Khamenei's financing his colleague's
    Imam Khomeini Educational and Research Institute. In fact, Khamenei
    uses government funds to finance many of the country's
    theological institutions and clerics. This is done in order to help
    Khamenei's popularity and create a sense of loyalty or even
    The provision of funding also is a traditional function of
    Shi'ite leaders, and the supreme leader's doing this reflects
    the Iranian quest for dominance of the global Shi'ite community,
    a development noted in Mehdi Khalaji's "The Last Marja" (The
    Washington Institute for Near East Policy, September 2006).
    While some clerics and their followers are persecuted for
    questioning the theocratic system of Vilayat-i Faqih (see below),
    Mesbah-Yazdi has come out strongly in its favor. In a speech late
    last month, Mesbah-Yazdi denounced the possibility that Vilayat-i
    Faqih could be legitimized by the popular vote, the Entekhab website
    and IRNA reported, citing the September 27 issue of "Parto-yi
    Sokhan," Mesbah's weekly mouthpiece. "Is there a better way than
    this for America to infiltrate [the Islamic system]?" he asked.

    Calling For Moderation

    Mesbah was responding to a mid-September speech by Ayatollah
    Ali-Akbar Hashemi-Rafsanjani, the current deputy speaker of the
    Assembly of Experts. Mesbah and his fundamentalist followers view
    Hashemi-Rafsanjani as someone who has forsaken Islamic principles in
    the pursuit of expediency, and they have been relentless in their
    criticism of him and their hounding of his associates.
    In that mid-September speech, Hashemi-Rafsanjani started with
    a critique of the prevailing political atmosphere, noting that
    extremism has bedeviled Iran since the 1979 Islamic Revolution, and
    he cited the dual requirements of moderation and development.
    Hashemi-Rafsanjani then hailed the significance of the popular vote
    and asked if a country can be run if the people do not accept the
    "ruling establishment," "Etemad-i Melli" reported on September 16.
    Iran's Islamic government, he continued, must be run by an expert
    in Islamic law -- a faqih -- and this person can be selected by the
    clergy or by the public. In the Iranian system, the choice is made by
    both communities. "The role of the people in times of decision-making
    is very important," he said.

    Revisiting The War

    The next step in the demonization of Hashemi-Rafsanjani
    occurred in late September, as Iran commemorated the anniversary of
    the beginning of the 1980-1988 war with Iraq. Hashemi-Rafsanjani said
    in an interview that Iranian officials were not advocating a
    cease-fire in 1988, but military commanders did tell Supreme Leader
    Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini that they would have to invade Iraq to
    bring about a successful conclusion to the conflict, "Aftab-i Yazd"
    reported on September 26. Khomeini initially approved this, but it
    was clear that Iran was isolated politically and in dire financial
    straits, and the equipment demands of the Islamic Revolution Guards
    Corps were unaffordable. It was under these circumstances that
    Khomeini accepted UN Resolution 598, the cease-fire that concluded
    the war.
    The initial interview raised some eyebrows, and there were
    even denials that the Guards Corps had written a letter demanding
    more equipment and personnel. Hashemi-Rafsanjani then released
    Khomeini's letter of July 16, 1988, in which he gives his reasons
    for agreeing to the cease-fire, which he likened to "drinking [from]
    the poisoned chalice," ILNA reported on September 29. Khomeini wrote:
    "In his letter IRGC commander [Mohsen Rezai] has written there will
    be no victory in the next five years." Offensive operations could
    resume after 1992, Rezai continued, according to Khomeini's
    letter, if he got 350 more infantry brigades, 2,500 tanks, 600
    airplanes and helicopters, and the ability to make nuclear weapons
    and laser-guided munitions. Khomeini went on to write that his prime
    minister described a weak economy and political officials said the
    public is unenthusiastic about going to the front when victory seems
    Ahmadinejad criticized Hashemi-Rafsanjani for weakening
    confidence in the country's abilities during the war, "Kayhan"
    reported on October 3. Ahmadinejad described this as an attempt to
    undermine the "values" gained during the war, and said this revealed
    the "lack of intelligence, abilities, and commitment."
    Hashemi-Rafsanjani also faced accusations of releasing classified
    documents, which he rejected.

    Creating Candidate Lists

    Disputes between the supporters of Mesbah-Yazdi and
    Hashemi-Rafsanjani persisted, and differences emerged even in cases
    where different political parties planned to back identical lists of
    candidates. In Kerman Province, the conservative Tehran Militant
    Clergy Association (Jameh-yi Ruhaniyat-i Mobarez-i Tehran), which
    recently encouraged Hashemi-Rafsanjani to run, actually prefers
    Morteza Aqa-Tehrani, a Mesbah-Yazdi associate who serves in the
    executive branch, Aftab reported on October 4. The conservatives are
    in full agreement on their other two provincial candidates -- Friday
    Prayer leader Ahmad Khatami and Mohammad Ali Movahedi-Kermani,
    formerly the Supreme Leader's representative at the Islamic
    Revolution Guards Corps.
    Hussein Jalali, who heads Mesbah-Yazdi's election
    headquarters, said on October 7 that groups supporting Mesbah-Yazdi
    are springing up "spontaneously," Fars News Agency reported, and
    Hashemi-Rafsanjani is not on their list of candidates.
    As early as August, meanwhile, there were reports that the
    candidacy of younger associates and students of Mesbah-Yazdi were
    being opposed by the Qom Seminary Lecturers Association. Hussein
    Marashi, spokesman for the center-right Executives of Construction
    Party, alluded to this phenomenon when he said, "the Assembly of
    Experts will not be the stage for the parading of unknown people,"
    "Etemad-i Melli" reported on September 16. Some of the older
    cleric's "proteges" are educated at second-tier Western
    universities and are "seemingly modern," and they will try to hide
    their connection with Mesbah-Yazdi when they register, "The New York
    Times" reported on September 25.
    The more pro-reform parties are working to create joint
    election lists, too. Hojatoleslam Mehdi Karrubi, who created the
    National Trust Party after losing in the first round of what he
    claims was a flawed and fraudulent 2005 presidential election, said,
    "Our list will be 90 percent in common with the list of other
    reformist groups," "Etemad" reported on September 26. He went onto
    say that a reformist election headquarters is being created, and
    added that such cooperation should continue beyond the election
    itself. He noted that usually the groups out of power come together
    before elections, but because they do not have a broader plan,
    differences emerge between them after they win and they forsake many
    The secretary-general of the reformist Islamic Iran
    Participation Party, Mohsen Mirdamadi, said his organization will
    back the candidates of the Militant Clerics Association (Majma-yi
    Ruhaniyun-i Mobarez), "Ayandeh-yi No" reported on September 30.

    Vetting Candidates

    After prospective candidates finish registering, the
    Guardians Council will have 30 days -- from October 15 to November 15
    -- to examine their qualifications. During this time, candidates will
    be examined on their ability to perform Koranic interpretation (known
    as ijtihad, this is the highest form of Islamic learning). Successful
    candidates will have 14 days to campaign -- from November 30 to
    December 13.
    The hard-line bias of the Guardians Council -- the six
    clerical members that are appointed by the Supreme Leader and the six
    jurist members that are selected by the Judiciary chief, another
    appointee of the supreme leader -- has angered Iranians since the
    early 1990s. Not only does the council vet candidates and reject
    those whose political tendencies it finds questionable -- even if
    they are incumbents -- but it also overturns the results in cases
    where the outcome is not to its liking.
    The council's spokesman, Abbas-Ali Kadkhodai, said on
    October 9 that factionalism will not affect the screening process,
    Mehr News Agency reported. The head of the council, Ayatollah Ahmad
    Jannati, signed up as a candidate on October 10. He has previously
    rejected suggestions that there is a conflict of interest.
    The Interior Ministry runs elections, and the logistics of
    this year's race pose particular difficulties. That is because
    polling for the Assembly of Experts competition takes place at the
    same time as polling for municipal councils and for parliamentary
    by-elections in Ahvaz, Bam, and Tehran.
    Interior Minister Mustafa Purmohammadi said on October 2 that
    this will require approximately 60,000 ballot boxes for the Assembly
    of Experts race, another 60,000 for the municipal councils, and
    10,000-15,000 for the parliamentary by-elections, state radio
    The Interior Ministry's fundamentalist political
    tendencies worry the reformists. The background in military and
    intelligence agencies of Purmohammadi, his deputy Mohammad Baqer
    Zolqadr, and many appointees to governor-generalships caused a
    parliamentary uproar, and the newest appointment to the ministry has
    not calmed any concerns. Ahmadinejad appointed his adviser, the
    secretive Mujtaba Hashemi-Samareh, as deputy interior minister for
    political affairs in late September. On October 1, Hashemi-Samareh
    was put in charge of the election headquarters.
    The way in which all these conflicting elements interact and
    the ultimate outcome is unclear, as more than two months remain
    before Iranians go to the polls. The activities of the Assembly of
    Experts have little impact on Iranians' daily lives, and its
    biannual meetings take place behind closed doors. Therefore, people
    have little motivation to vote in the election and turnout could be
    relatively low. For the initial municipal council elections in 1999,
    turnout was high (64 percent), as voters thought the local bodies
    could substantively improve their day-to-day lives. The councils did
    not fulfill their potential, however, so turnout was lower (49
    percent) in the second election in 2003.
    Regardless, holding the two elections simultaneously could
    boost overall turnout figures. As the fundamentalists will be running
    the elections and they have already demonstrated an ability to pack
    the polling places and the ballot boxes, it is not unreasonable to
    expect tremendous voter enthusiasm, as there was in the second round
    of the 2005 presidential election. (Bill Samii)

    supreme leader's representative in the East Azerbaijan Province,
    Ayatollah Mohsen Mujtahid-Shabestari, as telling a congregation in
    the town of Tasuj on October 12 that any possible unity between Azeri
    speakers in Iran and those of Azerbaijan -- across Iran's
    northern border -- can take but one form: Azerbaijan's
    incorporation into Iran.
    He was responding to nationalist seminars held recently in
    Baku (see "RFE/RL Iran Report," 3 October 2006). Azeri nationalists
    have intermittently urged that Iran's Azeri provinces be detached
    to form a larger Azeri state. Persia ruled the lands of present-day
    Azerbaijan until the early decades of the 19th century, when they
    were taken by imperial Russia.
    "If there is to be any union, they should join Iran, and it
    would be better not to speak of southern and northern Azerbaijan, but
    of southern and northern Iran," Fars quoted Shabestari as saying. He
    is also the congregational prayer leader in Tabriz, the provincial
    capital. "There is [a] smell of plots," he said of the seminars.
    "While some people tried [earlier] this year to carry out their
    plots, the people [in northwest Iran] gave them a teeth-shattering
    response," he said, referring to unrest in May among Iranian
    Azeri-speakers (see "RFE/RL Iran Report," May 29, 2006). "The
    identity of Iranians will never be undermined, and we obey an
    Iranian-Islamic center," he said. (Vahid Sepehri)

    Mahmud Hashemi-Shahrudi reiterated to a specialist committee in
    Tehran on October 10 his contention that Islam does not favor prison
    as a punishment, except for dangerous offenders, and deplored the
    frequency with which judges send offenders to prison. "There will be
    a response to judges handing out jail sentences without any limits,"
    Hashemi-Shahrudi told a committee examining means of reducing prison
    sentences. "There is no place in Islam for imprisonment as a
    punishment for debts." He expressed hope that parliament will approve
    the proposed suspension of parts of the present law on financial
    offences that include the failure to pay debts. Hashemi-Shahrudi said
    he hopes legislators pass the judiciary's proposal "with due
    regard for the negative effects of prison on people," IRNA reported.
    Islamic laws envisage imprisonment for six crimes, he said, "but in
    our present laws, there are about 1,000 penalties involving prison,
    and this needs fundamental examination and review." (Vahid Sepehri)

    Activists in the EU and North America, a coalition of exiled
    activists, issued a special report on the state of prisons in Iran on
    October 10 to mark the World Day Against the Death Penalty,
    RFE/RL's Radio Farda reported. The report identifies 111 Iranians
    executed in an 11-month period from late September 2005 to late
    August 2006. The group says that its report is based on foreign and
    domestic news-agency and press reports and that its list may be
    incomplete, given the existence of censorship in Iran. In the stated
    period, 282 Iranians have been condemned to death in Iran. (Vahid

    in the northeastern Iranian city of Gonabad surrounded the residence
    of a prominent Sufi leader on October 10 after he refused an order to
    leave his city of birth. Critics call the eviction order the latest
    example of official harassment of minority religious groups like
    Sufis and dervishes.
    Dr. Nurali Tabandeh, also known as Majzub Ali Shah, has said
    he has no intention of altering his plans to remain in the city until
    October 13.
    For more than a century, the leaders of the Nematollahi
    Gonabadi dervish order have lived and been buried in Gonabad, in
    Iran's Khorasan Province.
    Some were forced out of their birthplace following the
    establishment of an Islamic republic in Iran and never allowed back.
    They included the older brother of the man at the heart of this
    latest confrontation, who was himself a leader of the mystic Sufi
    But Nurali Tabandeh has been returning regularly to Gonabad
    from his home in Tehran during the holy month of Ramadan to meet with
    followers and pilgrims from all over Iran.
    Local website "Mizan" and Sufi sources have claimed
    authorities in Gonabad simply ordered Tabandeh to leave, without any
    explanation. Some observers have speculated that officials want to
    avoid a large gathering of Sufis in the city -- dervishes from all
    over the country arrive in Gonabad every year to mark the end of
    Ramadan, Id al-Fitr, in Tabandeh's presence.
    Farshid Yadollahi, a lawyer and a follower of Tabandeh's
    Nematollahi Gonabadi order, is in Gonabad, and he tells RFE/RL that
    Tabandeh has vowed that he will remain there -- meeting followers --
    until October 13.
    Yadollahi says he thinks the authorities' actions are
    "Every year [Sufis] from all over Iran, and also from foreign
    countries, tourists, and researchers come here," Yadollahi says.
    "They come for pilgrimage, there is a pilgrimage site here. It is
    truly surprising that someone is in his home -- and he comes here
    every year -- but then they come and tell him that he doesn't
    have the right to be in his home. This is according to which article
    of Iran's constitution?"
    There have long been tensions between dervishes -- a
    fraternity within Sufi tradition -- and those who favor a more
    conservative interpretation of Islam. But Sufi and rights groups say
    the harassment of Sufis has significantly increased since hard-line
    President Mahmud Ahmadinejad took office in August 2005.
    In February, a Sufi house of worship was destroyed in Qom and
    hundreds of Sufis were detained. Many were injured in clashes with
    security forces.
    In May, a court sentenced 52 Sufis and their lawyers --
    including Yadollahi -- to jail terms and lashings in connection with
    the February incident. Yadollahi was given a five-year ban on
    practicing law. An Iranian news agency reported that the demolished
    Sufi house of worship was turned into a parking lot.
    Mustafa Azmayesh, a Paris-based expert on Sufism and a
    representative of the Nematollahi Gonabadi order, says defamatory
    articles and religious decrees, or fatwas, targeting Sufism have
    appeared in Iran's conservative press in recent months.
    One of the latest fatwas was issued by Ayatollah Fazel
    Lankarani in the "Jomhuri-yi Islami" newspaper. Lankarani accused
    Sufis of misleading Iranian youth.
    "It was said in the articles that any contact with Sufis --
    particularly with the Gonabadi branch -- is not permitted," Azmayesh
    says. "Even participating in their Koran readings is 'haram'
    (forbidden to Muslims). The aim is to create pressure and
    discrimination against the followers of this order. There was fear
    that during the month of Ramadan [authorities] would take such
    actions, but no one imagined that they would go that far and show
    such disrespect to Dr. Tabandeh Majzub Ali Shah, who is a national
    figure, a well-respected judge, and a university professor."
    Followers of the Gonabadi orders have told RFE/RL that
    several Sufis have been fired from their jobs recently. They also
    claimed that others have been discriminated against by state agencies
    because of their faith. Sufis say restrictions on their literature
    have increased and worship gatherings have been broken up.
    In its annual report on religious freedoms in September, the
    U.S. State Department alleged growing government repression of Sufi
    communities and said Sufi Muslims face a mounting campaign of
    Azmayesh tells RFE/RL that, since the February incident,
    "repression" of Sufis has continued.
    "Shortly after the demolition of the Qom Husseinieh,
    Semnan's Friday prayer leader praised it and said, 'We give
    10 days to the Gonabadi dervishes in Semnan to evacuate their house
    of worship or demolish it, because we want to destroy it
    anyway,'" Azmayesh says. "There were attacks against several
    homes where weekly prayer meetings of the Gonabadi dervishes were
    held -- including one in Luristan. They arrested the homeowners."
    Several conservative clerics in Iran have described Sufis as
    a "cult" and a "danger to Islam." Critics charge that Sufi teachings
    are inconsistent with the spirit of Islam. But Sufis contend that
    they are following the true Islam.
    Sufism is based on the pursuit of mystical truth. Sufis
    engage in practices such as dance, music, and the recitation of
    Allah's divine names in pursuit of a more direct perception of
    There are no reliable estimates of their numbers. But lawyer
    Yadollahi says Sufi beliefs are becoming increasingly popular in
    Iran, to the dismay of the clerical establishment.
    "Some of these beliefs do not sit well with these gentlemen
    -- they want everyone to think in the same way and believe a single
    way," Yadollahi says. "When the establishment tries to impose
    religion through force, history has shown that it faces reactions --
    people turn away from the religion campaigned for by the state,
    especially the youth." (Golnaz Esfandiari)

    cleric who advocates the separation of religion and politics,
    Ayatollah Seyyed Hussein Kazemeyni Borujerdi, is accusing officials
    of persecuting him and his followers. Borujerdi claims dozens of his
    supporters have been arrested and taken to Tehran's notorious
    Evin prison in recent weeks. The ayatollah told RFE/RL that he has
    appealed for help from international figures that include the pope
    and EU foreign-policy chief Javier Solana.
    Ayatollah Borujerdi says that in the past 14 years he has
    been summoned on numerous occasions to the Special Court for Clergy
    and spent months in prison. He claims he still suffers from health
    problems stemming from torture he was subjected to in prison.
    "I was in prison in 1995 for several months. Then, in 2001, I
    was also arrested several times -- they confiscated two of my
    mosques," Borujerdi says. "It's ridiculous -- an establishment
    that says it is Islamic confiscates an active and open mosque. In
    1979, the marjah [source of emulation] at that time, Mr. Golpayegani,
    put me in charge of the Hematabad mosque. Only a few people used to
    go to that mosque -- but in 2001, when they took it away from me,
    many people were coming there. We always faced a lack of space for
    The Shi'ite cleric says pressure has increased
    significantly since the summer, following a gathering he held for his
    supporters. He claims that thousands of people attended his June 30
    religious meeting in Tehran's Shahid Keshvari stadium.
    "About 2 1/2 months ago, there was something similar to a
    coup d'etat against me -- because our last meeting was such that
    it shook the city and it made the establishment think that if they
    don't stop me, then there will be millions of people [supporting
    me]," Borujerdi says. "So they began harassing me; they surrounded my
    house for two months."
    Ayatollah Borujerdi claims that many of his supporters have
    also been targeted. He says in recent weeks, more than 100 people
    have been arrested and tortured in jail. He says some have been fired
    from their jobs, and others have been under pressure to campaign
    against him.
    Iranian officials have been silent on the topic.
    But earlier this week, Amnesty International reported that at
    least 41 of Borujerdi's followers were arrested in his courtyard.
    The rights group has warned that the cleric could be at risk of
    imminent arrest.
    The ayatollah says his belief in the separation of religion
    from politics and his refusal to support "political religion" have
    drawn the ire of Iran's leaders. Iran's Islamic establishment
    is based on the principle of "vilayat-i faqih," or the rule of the
    Islamic jurist.
    Reports have emerged in recent years of other clerics and
    dissidents who have criticized the vilayat-i faqih principle being
    persecuted in Iran.
    They include the late Grand Ayatollah Kazem Shariatmadari, an
    influential Iranian cleric who was placed under house arrest in the
    Shariatmadari's son, Hassan, lives in Germany. He told
    RFE/RL that some 27 years after the establishment of an Islamic
    Republic in Iran, many of the country's clerics have realized
    that the involvement of religion in politics subjugates religion to
    the will of the state.
    "The political establishment forces them to accept its
    demands and interpret the religion in accordance with the
    establishment's needs," Hassan Shariatmadari says. "Most clerics
    have realized this, but because of the heavy price of opposition to
    the regime, most of them do not have the courage to express [that
    view] publicly. Ayatollah Borujerdi has been able to express the
    demand for the separation of religion from politics very openly -- to
    a wide audience and with boldness. This is something that this
    establishment doesn't like."
    Shariatmadari says he thinks Iran's leadership feels
    threatened by Ayatollah Borujerdi because they are concerned that
    other clerics could follow his example.
    Borujerdi told RFE/RL that the authorities have threatened
    him with execution, and told him that the clergy should speak in a
    united voice.
    Borujerdi has written letters to Pope Benedict XVI and to
    Solana noting what he calls the "suspicious death" in 2002 of his
    father, Ayatollah Seyyed Mohammad Ali Kazemeyni Borujerdi, who was
    also a prominent cleric. He claims Iranian authorities expropriated
    the mosque where his father had preached and destroyed his
    father's grave.
    But Borujerdi remains defiant. "I demonstrate that real Islam
    is free of political ornaments," he says. "It is included in verses
    whose interpretation is different than that provided by [the
    authorities]. Its interpretation is from 1,428 years ago. It is about
    the rule of the Prophet [Muhammad] and how he lived; he was against
    repression and opposed discrimination. Our divine leaders took food
    from their mouths and the mouths of their children to give it to the
    poor. Today, unfortunately, despite the immense wealth of this
    country, people live in poverty."
    Borujerdi says many Iranians have lost faith in religion
    because of the worsening economic situation, including high inflation
    and unemployment.
    He argues that under the shah's regime, people's
    faith in Islam was much stronger. He thinks belief in God has
    actually fallen victim to Iran's theocracy.
    "When people lose their income, they directly blame the
    establishment and they become angry at God," Borujerdi says.
    "I've said many times that we should help people worship their
    God again and make peace with God. Today we are in the month of
    Ramadan, [but] many people have turned away from God because of
    repression, discrimination, and pressure."
    One of the ayatollah's devotees, Hamid, told RFE/RL that
    Borujerdi's views and defiance have won him support from Iranians
    of different classes.
    "Ayatollah Borujerdi has never polluted religion with
    politics," Hamid says. "He has not become involved in politics, and
    he has always supported the needy. He has always said, 'I'm a
    supporter of the wretched.' This is, I think, one of the reasons
    for his popularity."
    Hamid says he is ready to support the ayatollah even "until
    martyrdom." (Golnaz Esfandiari)

    Ahmadinejad's office has published part of a report outlining his
    government's achievements since it took power in summer 2005,
    ISNA reported on October 9. The report says the government has sought
    to provide equitable opportunities and access to public resources for
    all provinces, and focused on "basic, infrastructural works" while
    avoiding "habitual controversies" -- a presumed reference to
    political quarrels -- ISNA reported. The government made 3,300
    decisions in its first year, the report stated. It highlights ongoing
    efforts to cut fuel consumption, promote mass transit, subsidize
    farmers -- with timely payments for crop purchases -- and steady
    house prices. There was a 101 percent increase in "the demand for
    public investment" in unspecified projects, the report asserted,
    while the government is "currently planning with precision" a
    large-scale privatization program pursuant to Article 44 of
    Iran's Constitution. The report noted that the value of non-oil
    exports rose from $7 billion in the Persian year to March 2005 to
    $10.5 billion in the following year, thanks to "conditions provided
    by the government and the efforts of exporters," ISNA reported.
    (Vahid Sepehri)

    ....AND STATES IRAN'S SUPPORT FOR HAMAS. President Ahmadinejad
    met with Palestinian Interior Minister Said Siyam in Tehran on
    October 12 and said "there are no limits" to the transfer of
    Iran's "experiences and achievements in all areas to the popular
    Hamas government," Mehr news agency reported. Ahmadinejad urged the
    Hamas government to maintain its "principled and revolutionary
    positions" to attain the "Palestinian ideal," and he said Palestine
    is the front line in the fight between Muslims and "forceful powers."
    Siyam said his government is willing to use Iran's experience in
    government and home administration.
    Siyam met separately with Iranian Interior Minister Mustafa
    Pur-Mohammadi, Iranian news agencies reported. Pur-Mohammadi called
    for the expansion of formal ties between Iran and the Palestinian
    government and said Palestine has evident needs in terms of domestic
    security and administration, areas he said "are subject to an intense
    attack by the occupying regime of Israel," ISNA reported. (Vahid

    AFGHAN REFUGEES GIVEN DAYS TO LEAVE. The office of the governor of
    the northwestern East Azerbaijan Province announced on October 12
    that Afghan migrants cannot remain in the province and must within
    days present themselves to authorities and "clarify their situation,"
    Fars reported. Muhammad Memarzadeh is the provincial governor. His
    office issued a statement warning that "the residency or housing of"
    Afghans is forbidden in the province from September 23, adding that
    the migrants have until October 22 to present themselves to local
    authorities so "their identification documents can be examined and
    necessary legal decisions taken about them." Failure to do so will
    render them illegal aliens to be dealt with by the law, Fars reported
    the statement as saying.
    Interior Minister Hojatoleslam Mustafa Pur-Mohammadi told a
    meeting on the topic of Afghan refugees in Geneva on October 10 that
    Iran is concerned by the arrival and presence of thousands of Afghans
    in Iran, IRNA reported. Pur-Mohammadi also said reduced international
    aid for Afghanistan has prompted "a worrying decline in the process
    of return" of Afghans to their homeland. He was addressing the 11th
    session of a UN commission on the voluntary repatriation of Afghan
    refugees at the invitation of UN High Commissioner for Refugees
    Antonio Guterres.
    Pur-Mohammadi estimated that there are 950,000 Afghans in
    Iran legally, and another 1 million illegally, while "one-third" of
    some 590,000 migrants who came to Iran "last year" have not gone
    back. He linked the presence of these Afghans to concerns over
    terrorism, as well as drug and human trafficking. "This year 14,000
    illegal migrants were arrested on the Turkish frontier, most of whom
    were Afghans," Pur-Mohammadi said, adding that Iran has tried to act
    as a "dam" to this migratory movement. Iran signed five cooperation
    agreements with the UN High Commissioner for Refugees at the end of
    the session, committing Iran's Health and Education ministries to
    training nursing and health-care staff among Afghan migrants in Iran,
    IRNA reported. (Vahid Sepehri)

    IRAN SAYS IT WANTS NUCLEAR DISARMAMENT. Government spokesman Gholam
    Hussein Elham told reporters in Tehran on October 10 that Iran favors
    generalized nuclear disarmament but that North Korea's reported
    nuclear test "is to Iran's advantage" because it demonstrates the
    peaceful nature of Iran's own program, IRNA reported. Elham said
    disarmament should start with the "great powers and especially
    America." He said Iran has repeated its commitment to the peaceful
    use of nuclear power, and "we are against nuclear and destructive
    weapons, and that is our ideology." He added that international
    bodies and the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) should not
    restrict access to peaceful technology for states respecting
    nonproliferation regulations. "Nobody in the world is fit to use the
    atomic bomb," Elham said, according to IRNA. "We believe all
    countries that have this dangerous weapon must be disarmed," he
    added, including "dangerous" Israel. Western states want Iran to
    abandon fuel making and related activities that could be used to
    develop bombs -- a demand that Iran has rejected.
    Iran's Foreign Ministry spokesman, Mohammad Ali Husseini,
    said in Tehran on October 8 that Iran "will not even accept a
    day-long suspension" of uranium enrichment -- part of the fuel-making
    process -- IRNA reported the same day.
    Iran's ambassador in Paris, Ali Ahani, defended
    Iran's positions on Middle East politics and its nuclear dossier
    at an October 11 news conference in Paris, RFE/RL's Radio Farda
    and Guysen Israel News, an Israeli news agency, reported. Ahani spoke
    in the Maison de Radio France at the invitation of the Club de la
    Presse Arabe. He ignored an Israeli journalist who asked whether
    "your atomic bomb" is intended one day to be used against Israel in
    the event of a U.S. strike on Iran, reported. The
    journalist and three others walked out in protest. Ahani said
    Iran's refusal to recognize Israel does not mean Iran is "against
    Jews. It respects them. We have many in Iran. They have their
    representatives and are at ease in Iran." He said Iran does not arm
    Lebanon's Hizballah but it does support it as a movement
    defending Lebanon's "freedom" against Israeli occupation.
    Ahani said Iran's nuclear program is legal but that the
    United States, for political reasons, is set on referring Iran to the
    UN Security Council for the alleged violation of nonproliferation
    principles. "Iran is negotiating for a suitable solution. It needs
    neither confrontation nor war," Ahani said. If its dossier is taken
    to the Security Council, he added, it "will be obliged to suspend the
    implementation" of the UN protocol it has signed to allow close
    checks of its installations, reported.
    President Ahmadinejad told a crowd in the town of Shahriar
    outside Tehran on October 11 that Iranians have decided to firmly
    defend Iran's "nuclear right," and he denounced "bullying" by
    foreign powers trying to curb Iran's nuclear program, agencies
    reported. "A few countries are forcefully imposing their wishes when
    they have no right to interfere. Even the [UN] Security Council has
    no right to interfere," ISNA quoted him as saying. What makes "four
    or five countries" consider themselves "the equivalent of the
    international community," he asked, presumably referring to permanent
    members of the Security Council. Their "frowns" and "empty threats"
    cannot block Iran's "progress," he said.
    "Why," Ahmadinejad asked, do Western states want Iran to
    "halt the fuel cycle? Where is the danger? Are 164 centrifuges more
    dangerous than your bomb-making factories.... Why should you have
    enrichment activities but not us?" Uranium enrichment could allow
    Iran to make nuclear bombs at some stage. Ahmadinejad said the same
    day in Robat-Karim that Western claims that if "Iran makes
    may deviate...and make nuclear bombs" are a pretext to "stop
    Iran's progress." He scoffed at threatened sanctions: "They
    threaten...we will not give you parts," though "our nation attained
    nuclear technology" in spite of existing import restrictions. "Now
    you wish to deprive us of parts, let us see where that goes," he
    Hassan Rohani, Iran's former chief nuclear negotiator,
    urged Western states to "forget the...the Security Council and engage
    in serious talks" with Iran to resolve differences over its program,
    Fars reported on October 11. Rohani is Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali
    Khamenei's representative on the Supreme National Security
    Council and heads the Expediency Council's strategic research
    center. Unconditional talks, he said, could yield "a two-way
    solution." He said that "suspension or sanctions are not something
    Iran accepts," and advised against pushing the dispute toward "just
    two choices, sanctions or suspension," when the West's fear is
    bomb proliferation and Iran has repeated "that is not what it wants."
    He said Iran has a "solution" if bombs are the only concern, but he
    said the United States blocked a previous "formula" approved by
    France and Germany allowing enrichment inside Iran. He said Iran
    wants self-sufficiency in nuclear fuel. "If the West stops
    threatening, there is a very great possibility of reaching an
    agreement," he said. (Vahid Sepehri)

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    Copyright (c) 2006. RFE/RL, Inc. All rights reserved.

    The "RFE/RL Iran Report" is a weekly prepared by A. William Samii on
    the basis of materials from RFE/RL broadcast services, RFE/RL
    Newsline, and other news services. It is distributed every Monday.

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