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Armenia, EU To Launch "Action Plan" On Closer Ties

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  • Armenia, EU To Launch "Action Plan" On Closer Ties

    By Emil Danielyan

    Eurasia Daily Monitor, DC
    Oct 17 2006

    Next month the European Union and Armenia will sign a five-year action
    plan related to the European Neighborhood Policy (ENP) program that
    enables EU neighbors to establish preferential relations with the
    25-country bloc. The development will be hailed by the authorities
    in Yerevan as an important milestone in their intensifying efforts
    at European integration. It will also underscore the EU's apparent
    intention to press harder for democratic reforms in the South Caucasus

    The ENP, which also covers Azerbaijan and Georgia, is designed to
    enable participating nations to build privileged partnership with the
    EU in return for sweeping reforms that would bring their political
    and economic systems into conformity with European standards and
    practices. Although the scheme does not open the door to membership
    in the EU, it offers other tangible incentives such as free trade,
    substantial economic assistance, and extensive political dialogue
    with the expanding union. More importantly, it means a chance to
    become part of what EU officials call Europe's "four freedoms" --
    the free movement of people, capital, goods, and services.

    The three South Caucasus states were not included in the ENP when
    it was launched in 2003, with the EU initially targeting other,
    geographically closer former Soviet republics like Ukraine and
    Moldova. Georgia's November 2003 "Rose Revolution" appears to have
    been instrumental in the EU's subsequent decision to extend the scheme,
    also known as "Wider Europe," to the volatile region.

    Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia were officially invited to join the
    ENP in June 2004 and opened talks with Brussels on their respective
    "action plans" shortly afterwards.

    The process has been slowed down by a controversy sparked by
    Azerbaijan's decision to establish commercial and air links
    with Turkish-controlled Northern Cyprus. The divided island's
    internationally recognized Greek government retaliated by freezing
    Baku's participation in the ENP. This led the European Commission to
    put on hold its talks with Armenia and Georgia as well. The negotiating
    process resumed only late last year. Foreign Minister Erkki Tuomioja
    of Finland, which currently holds the EU's rotating presidency,
    announced its effective completion as he visited the three counties
    earlier this month. He said their action plans would be signed in
    Brussels on November 14.

    "The European Neighborhood Policy Action Plan is a significant step
    towards an increasingly close relationship between the EU and Armenia,
    going beyond cooperation to involve a significant measure of economic
    integration and deepening of political cooperation," Tuomioja and his
    Armenian counterpart Vartan Oskanian said in a joint statement issued
    after their talks in Yerevan on October 2. "The European Union and
    Armenia are determined to make use of this occasion to enhance their
    relations and to promote prosperity, stability, and security."

    Officials have said before that the Armenian action plan, which has
    not yet been made public, will be based on the recommendations of a
    report released by the European Commission in March 2005. The 30-page
    document called for democratic elections, the rule of law, respect for
    human rights, anti-corruption measures, as well as further economic
    reforms in Armenia. EU officials now stress that democratization
    of the country's deeply flawed political system will be a necessary
    condition for Yerevan's participation in the ENP.

    Tuomioja specifically warned against a repeat of serious fraud in the
    next Armenian parliamentary elections, due early next year. "Armenia
    is aware that we all have to live up to our obligations, and if
    there are deficiencies [in the conduct of the elections] they will
    be noticed and there will be consequences," he told reporters in
    the Armenian capital. The EU's special representative to the South
    Caucasus, Peter Semneby, likewise warned in July that the freedom and
    fairness of the polls will be "crucially important" for the Armenian
    government's drive to forge closer links with Europe.

    The EU has until now avoided active involvement in democracy-building
    in Armenia, criticizing its rulers for rigging elections but refraining
    from taking any punitive measures against them. The bloc's external
    relations commissioner, Benita Ferrero-Waldner, signaled a change
    in this policy during a February visit to Yerevan. Issues related
    to political reform and human rights protection were high on the
    agenda of her meetings with President Robert Kocharian and other
    Armenian officials.

    Armenian leaders insist that they are taking the EU warnings seriously,
    with Oskanian admitting that another rigged election would jeopardize
    his country's participation in the ENP. They argue that "European
    integration" is now an increasingly high priority of Armenian foreign
    policy. As if to drive home their point, they set up on September 7 two
    new bodies headed by Prime Minister Andranik Markarian and tasked with
    helping to deepen political and economic ties with the EU, Armenia's
    number one trading partner. The move followed Kocharian's recent
    instruction to his government to come up with a comprehensive plan
    of action that will accelerate Armenia's integration into European
    and Euro-Atlantic structures.

    Whether the Armenian leadership, which has failed to hold a single
    election recognized as democratic by the West, is prepared to go as
    far as to end chronic vote rigging and run the risk of losing power
    for the sake of that integration seems doubtful. The EU questioned
    its commitment to democracy as recently as last December, in the wake
    of a fraudulent referendum on Kocharian's amendments to Armenia's

    (Aravot, October 3; Joint statement by the foreign ministers of
    Armenia and Finland, October 2; Azg, September 8; RFE/RL Armenia
    Report, July 24, February 17)