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Armenia Must Choose Between Interests In Russia And Georgia: Konstan

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  • Armenia Must Choose Between Interests In Russia And Georgia: Konstan


    Yerevan, October 17. ArmInfo. Armenia cannot constantly maneuver
    maintaining friendly relations with all states. There are situations
    when it should choose between the interests in Russia and Georgia,
    especially as the interests of Armenia and Russia are incomparable
    with those of Armenia and Georgia, said Konstantin Zatoulin, member
    of the Russian State Duma, in an interview with ArmInfo.

    The parliamentarian is dissatisfied with the passive position of
    official Yerevan in the tense Russian-Georgian relations. "Has Armenia
    tried to support its strategic partner at least once? Has it made
    a single statement to Tbilisi calling on it for restraint? I cannot
    remember such statement," he said.

    He said that Armenia tries to take into consideration the interests
    of Georgia even in the Karabakh problem. "It is quite evident that
    the approaches to Karabakh, South Ossetic and Abkhazian conflicts
    must be identical. However, Armenia constantly tries to isolate
    the Karabakh conflict from the above two conflicts in order not
    to infringe the interests of Georgia. However, I think Armenia
    should not be guided with the interests of Georgia and must not
    isolate the Karabakh conflict from the South Ossetic and Abkhazian
    ones. It should protect its own interests, first of all. After all,
    I am simply surprised at such a position of Armenia with respect to
    Georgia. Has Tbilisi ever taken into account the interests of Armenia
    when building its relations with Azerbaijan? Never. While, Armenia
    still supports the interests of Georgia. I just cannot understand
    this," the parliamentarian says with bewilderment. As regards the
    ways of settling the Karabakh conflict, K. Zatoulin thinks they in
    Russia are impressed with the last developments in Abkhazia, Ossetia
    and Transdniestria. A new approach to the unrecognized states is being
    formed. This approach must undoubtedly apply to Karabakh conflict as
    well. "Russia and the world must define their impartial position in
    the Karabakh issue taking into account the reality.

    During the last 15 years new generations of unrecognized states have
    originated. In case of further devotion to the term 'unrecognized
    states,' we can not only torpedo the settlement of conflicts, but also
    occur in rather an ambiguous situation when terms not reflecting the
    reality are used," he says. At the same time, regarding the Karabakh
    conflict, Russia is in rather an uneasy situation when it should
    maintain good relations with Azerbaijan, in addition.

    "However, I'd repeat that Russia must display a similar approach to
    the conflicts in Abkhazia, South Ossetia and Karabakh. It is quite
    another case if Armenia does not want to draw parallels between these
    conflicts," K. Zatoulin said.