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Celebration Of Founders' Day At Haigazian University

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  • Celebration Of Founders' Day At Haigazian University


    AZG Armenian Daily

    Monday, October 16, 2006

    After the Lebanese anthem and an invocation by the Campus Minister
    Rev. Nishan Bakalian, those participating in the celebration of
    the Founders' Day at Haigazian University received a call to find a
    balanced life amidst the imbalance our country and the world at large
    is experiencing these days.

    The call came on Monday, October 16, 2006 at noon from the President
    of Haigazian University, who addressed students, staff & faculty
    who had gathered to remember the founders, who had the vision and
    commitment to establish this unique institution of higher learning.

    President Paul Haidostian's message also stated that, other than
    the Baccalaureate Service & Commencement exercises, the Founders'
    Day was the most significant event during the whole academic year,
    because it tells us all why we are here; it reminds us of who made
    it possible for our university to exist and it allows us to move
    forward. Talking about the need for a balanced leadership and finding
    a balance, Dr. Haidostian said, "Education should help us find the
    balance between the rebel and the conformist inside us, between the
    egocentric part and the exocentric in each of us."

    "One does not need to be a prophet to know that the future of
    Lebanon and of the whole world will be threatened by imbalance,
    unbalanced perspectives, unbalanced power struggles, unbalanced views
    of the other, unbalanced representations of religion, add to that an
    increase in problems of emotional, physical, and ecological imbalance,"
    he added.

    After being introduced by Mr. Antranig Dakessian, the Student Life
    Director, Michel Majdalani, Student of the Year 2006, addressed
    the audience with a word, in which he acknowledged that Haigazian
    University had enriched him with lifelong friends with whom "I spent
    the most beautiful days of my university life" as he said. Calling
    Student Life at Haigazian the "student door to experience and success",
    Majdalani urged his fellow-students to enjoy the opportunities at
    Haigazian University and to transmit its culture to the society around
    and the future generations.

    An informative audio-visual presentation about the founders & the
    founding of the University was presented by Mrs. Maria Bakalian.

    The program of the celebration ended with the HU Alma Mater.

    Public Relations Office, Haigazian University