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Iraq's Christians Imperiled

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  • Iraq's Christians Imperiled

    By Charles Tannock

    Philadelphia Inquirer, PA
    Oct 18 2006

    The world is consumed by fears that Iraq is degenerating into a civil
    war among Shiites, Sunnis and Kurds. But in this looming war of all
    against all, it is Iraq's small community of Assyrian Christians that
    is at risk of annihilation.

    Iraq's Christian communities are among the world's most ancient,
    having practiced their faith in Mesopotamia almost since the time
    of Christ. The Assyrian Apostolic Church has existed since 34 A.D.,
    and the Assyrian Church of the East dates to 33 A.D. The Aramaic that
    many of Iraq's Christians still speak is the language of Christ.

    When tolerated by their Muslim rulers, Assyrian Christians contributed
    much to their societies. Their scholars helped to usher in the "Golden
    Age" of the Arab world by translating important works into Arabic
    from Greek and Syriac. But in recent times, toleration has scarcely
    existed. In the Armenian Genocide of 1914-1918, 750,000 Assyrians -
    roughly two-thirds of their number - were massacred by the Ottoman
    Turks with the help of the Kurds.

    Under the Iraqi Hashemite monarchy, Assyrians faced persecution
    for cooperating with the British during World War I. Many fled to
    the West. During Saddam Hussein's wars with the Kurds, hundreds
    of Assyrian villages were destroyed, their inhabitants rendered
    homeless, and dozens of ancient churches were bombed. The teaching
    of the Syriac language was prohibited, and Assyrians were forced to
    give their children Arabic names.

    In 1987, the Iraqi census listed 1.4 million Christians. Today, only
    about 600,000 to 800,000 remain. As many as 60,000, and perhaps even
    more, have fled since the beginning of the insurgency that followed the
    U.S.-led invasion in 2003. Their exodus accelerated in August 2004,
    after the start of the terrorist bombing campaign against Christian
    churches by Islamists.

    A recent United Nations report states that religious minorities in Iraq
    "have become the regular victims of discrimination, harassment and,
    at times, persecution, with incidents ranging from intimidation to
    murder," and that "members of the Christian minority appear to be
    particularly targeted."

    Indeed, there are widespread reports of Christians fleeing the country
    as a result of threats being made to their women for not adhering
    to strict Islamic dress codes. Christian women are said to have had
    acid thrown in their faces. Some have been killed for wearing jeans
    or not wearing the veil.

    Over the last two years, 27 Assyrian churches have reportedly been
    attacked for the sole reason that they were Christian places of
    worship. These attacks go beyond targeting physical manifestations
    of the faith. Christian-owned small businesses, particularly those
    selling alcohol, have been attacked, and many shopkeepers murdered.

    Sadly, the plight of Iraq's Christians is not an isolated one in the
    Middle East. Iran's population has nearly doubled since the 1979
    revolution, but, under a hostile regime, the number of Christians
    in the country has fallen from roughly 300,000 to 100,000. In 1948,
    Christians accounted for roughly 20 percent of the population of what
    was then Palestine; now, they are about 1.6 percent of the Palestinian
    population in the West Bank, Jerusalem, and the Gaza Strip.

    In Egypt, emigration among Coptic Christians is disproportionately
    high; many convert to Islam under pressure, and over the last few
    years, violence against the Christian community has taken many lives.

    Saudi Arabia's Wahabbi regime prohibits any form of Christian worship.

    The persecution of these ancient and unique Christian communities,
    in Iraq and in the Middle East as a whole, is deeply disturbing. Last
    April, the European Parliament voted virtually unanimously for the
    Assyrians to be allowed to establish (on the basis of Section 5 of
    the Iraqi constitution) a federal region where they can be free from
    outside interference to practice their own way of life. It is high
    time now that the West paid more attention, and took forceful action
    to secure the future of Iraq's embattled Christians.

    Charles Tannock ([email protected]) is vice president
    of the human rights subcommittee of the European Parliament.