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'The So Called Blockade against the So Called Genocide'

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  • 'The So Called Blockade against the So Called Genocide'


    AZG Armenian Daily #201, 21/10/2006


    On the eve of the vote at the French Parliament for the bill
    penalizing denial of the Armenian Genocide, when the Turkish press was
    denouncing the French, an Istanbul-based Referans daily touched upon
    Armenian-Turkish relations in an article titled "The So-Called Blockade
    Against the So-Called Genocide: Result of Armenia's Anti-Turkish
    Stance". This article published Oct 12 can well be considered a
    peculiar look at Armenia from Turkey. Though its author Selma Simseq
    could not shun exaggerations, her article is interesting particularly
    for raising the issues of Kars-Akhalkalak-Tbilisi-Baku railway and
    the blockade of Armenia.

    Here is what she writes: "For the past 24 years 17 states defended
    the Armenian thesis in the issue of genocide. Turkey, which constantly
    adds 'the so-called' phrase to the Armenian genocide, has officially
    imposed blockade on Armenia. Yet, thanks to the dialogue between the
    two people the blockade has also turned into a 'so-called'. Kars mayor
    Naif Alibeyogli's following words evidence it: 'There are regular
    flights from Istanbul to Yerevan. 70% of goods in Armenian markets is
    Turkish. 70.000 Armenians work in Turkey. And we do not understand what
    kind of blockade is this. Turkey has opened its doors before Armenia,
    only the border of Kars is closed, as a result of which our town was
    deprived of benefit and investments for years'.

    "As Alibeyogli put it, the important thing for the resident of
    Kars is not the railway project but the opening of Turkish-Armenian
    border. Armenia is of the same opinion.

    "It's obvious once this project comes true, Armenia will be in a
    difficult situation. Its border with Turkey is closed because of
    genocide allegations and with Azerbaijan because of the occupation
    of Nagorno Karabakh. Moreover, the Iranian border areas are inhabited
    with Azeris thus putting Armenia in squeeze and isolation, in fact.

    "Realizing that Kars-Tbilisi-Baku railway will result in an even deeper
    isolation, Armenia demands to open the Turkish-Armenian border as it
    will enable Armenia to act as a transit corridor for transportation
    of goods from the Caucasus to the Middle East and China.

    "This project was turned down at the US Senate under the pressure
    from Diaspora Armenians. As a result, the US Eximbank denounced its
    credit of $400 million for the project.

    "Since 1993 Turkey and Armenia have no diplomatic relations. There is
    no direct trade between the countries because of the blockade. Today,
    Turkish goods enter Armenia via Georgia or Iran. The goods turnover
    amounts to $100 million. Turkey exports mainly construction materials
    and food and Armenia imports row materials. The Armenian import
    amounts to $50 million.

    "According to president of the Turkish-Armenian Business Union, Kaan
    Soyaq, goods turnover between Turkey and Armenia can be raised up to
    $500 million but Turkey has close the Kars border-gate and suffers
    losses. 'Only the residents of Kars pay for this mistake called
    blockade, as Istanbul is open for Armenia. When the Armenia-Turkish
    border was open trade between the two countries flourished. Now,
    both Armenia and Turkey are losing. Turkish businessmen are forced to
    go longer distances thus demanding higher price for goods. Armenia,
    on its part, is forced to by spoiled goods for a high price. If the
    border-gate is opened, both countries will gain access to the markets
    in the Middle East and China. Turkey has missed the chance during
    Ter-Petrosian's tenure and is missing it today as Kocharian prepares
    to leave the office. Though during Kocharian's tenure relations have
    aggravated a bit a more nationalist regime will change Kocharian's.'

    "Soyaq meanwhile pointed out that Kars-Tbilisi-Baku railway can hardly
    become a reality as the US and Russian interests keep spreading in
    the region. Then he went on: 'These two countries have not come to
    terms. Without an agreement no railway project can be implemented. The
    USA is against the project as it demand opening of the Armenian-Turkish
    border. This project emerged as a result of the closed border. If it
    were open the US would not be against a second railway line through
    Georgia. But at present it does not want to lose Armenia.'

    "Drawing attention to Russian-Georgian tensions, Soyaq assumes it
    will speed up the opening of Turkish-Armenian border. He thinks if
    Nagorno Karabakh issue is settled, and Turkey meets Armenia halfway
    the border can be opened. As to the genocide, it's not an issue that
    can be solved in a split second."

    By Hakob Chakrian

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress