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ANKARA: Debates over Headscarf and Genocide

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  • ANKARA: Debates over Headscarf and Genocide

    Debates over Headscarf and Genocide

    Zaman, Turkey
    Oct 19 2006

    by Herkul Millas

    This week, I had actually wanted to write an article on the damage
    inflicted upon the scientific sphere by Article 301, which restricts
    the freedom of speech.

    However, I thought it more appropriate to tackle that topic some
    other time, and decided to write about France when the law passed
    recently became a more urgent issue.

    The prohibitory law of France is more important; because it involves
    more than one country (France, Turkey, and Armenia) and carries the
    potential danger of engulfing the whole EU. At least Article 301 is
    not "expansionist" by nature.

    I have not been able to digest France's action; and still worse, I
    have a hard time understanding it. This seems to be a big problem;
    speaking out against injustice while being haunted by inability to
    take any action doesn't mean anything. Disliking or criticizing
    something when we are also not right could both be parts of the same
    picture. On the other hand, "understanding" is a totally different
    concept. Opposing the other party only after understanding its aim is
    far more consistent and safer. Reacting after having a full grasp of
    the problem, should not be as a result of a moment of rashness
    triggered only by sentiments.

    What I mean by "understanding" is knowing what sort of thought system
    and belief an attitude stems from. The influence of the Armenian
    lobby, the base strategy of getting more votes from a small segment
    of the society and its desire to prevent Turkey from getting closer
    to the EU could all be explanations to a certain degree; but they are
    far from being adequate. How can mighty France be too blind to see
    that it has struck a sharp blow at the most basic principle of human
    rights? This is the France where "The Declaration of the Human
    Rights" was issued in 1789. Article 10 talks of a right that "No one
    may be disturbed on account of his opinions, even religious ones, as
    long a the manifestation of such opinions does not interfere with the
    established Law and Order." Liberty and independence have long been
    the national symbols of this country. How can those who claim to be
    proud of Voltaire criminalize a different view?

    ------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------
    France Behaved Shamefully

    When we look at France's past actions and compare them with those of
    other European countries, like England, we seem to find some clues
    that will deepen our understanding. The French nation-state came to
    existence as a result of an extremely bloody revolution, not a
    compromise, and the killing of innumerous people was justified on the
    bases of a "sublime" ideal and a series of "truth." This positivist
    understanding and limitless self-confidence became the dominant
    elements in the model of the French nation-state. The truths welcomed
    by the nation acquired claims to a sort of universality. On the other
    hand, the truths of Parliament were recognized as those welcomed by
    the "abstract" nation. The varieties, the marginal sections and the
    minorities got lost in this vicious circle. "Citizenship" was
    perceived as the general truth that should be followed by everyone,
    and opposing the truths was perceived as opposition to the "nation."

    Recently, it has been frequently said that the headscarf ban at
    schools and public domain became more widespread because of this
    understanding. (We have not forgotten those who hailed France's
    prohibitive practices at that time.) Some proudly said that Turkey
    emulates France and its state model within the context of secularism.

    Now, we have seen and experienced the outcomes of this model. We are
    watching similar practices both in France and Turkey at the same time
    in a particularly interesting conjuncture. The headscarf issue is a
    problem in both countries, freedom of expression too. Both of them
    have resorted to a forbidden practice with the "state legitimacy"
    discourse. The contradiction between the two countries is not in
    understanding but in the aim. There is a consensus on the headscarf
    issue at the state level now. However, there is seemingly a
    difference of opinion over the genocide issue: One side says there
    was no genocide while the other says the opposite. Both opinions are
    the same when evaluated from the point of view of social life: They
    consider different views an offense and specify punishments.

    ------------------------------------ --------------------------------------------
    What headscarf prohibiters don't see

    Punishing those who deny genocides, was first regarded as a sign of
    respect for the victims. Respect, without any doubt, is a good thing
    and no one is against it. But, when should a different view be
    considered a crime and when shouldn't it? The important thing is not
    whether or not an event is considered genocide, but being able to
    express our views explicitly and fearlessly on any issue and not
    being jailed or threatened when we express them. Because, if the list
    of events we should "respect" increases tomorrow, new laws may be
    enacted. So, we may end up living in a fascist environment with a
    long list in our pockets of only the things we can to say.

    What I have at least begun to see is: In both countries, a group of
    people, who know what's "true" and "real" and constitute the
    majority, either ignore or try to suppress diversity, pluralism,
    small groups and the weak. The results of the debates over the
    headscarf and "genocide" issues are evidence of this. Those who
    oppose this approach are a small but struggling minority in both
    countries. From this viewpoint, the conflict is not between France
    and Turkey but between these two different approaches. Those who
    silence individuals in Turkey by means of Article 301, and those who
    put a gag order on people in France with a threat of sentencing them
    to jail, are not in conflict in terms of human principles but only
    agree to disagree on various fields. They are not against compulsion
    but are only trying to impose their own truths on a similar

    If those who criticize the new bill in France dispraise it not
    because it bans diversity but because "it supports a wrong
    interpretation of history," they are acting in the same way as
    France. This is the same for those who oppose the ban on headscarves.

    Those who oppose this ban not because this practice is against human
    rights but because a "right" choice is not implemented are also
    acting in the same way since they will try to implement their own
    "truths" at any given opportunity. In other words, defending our own
    truths may differ from defending principles for all.

    If we look at the issue from this perspective, we can determine who's
    friend or foe correctly. The implementers of Article 301 and those
    restricting the freedom of expression in France are the same, and are
    harbingers of a dangerous future. European Commission President
    Jose-Manuel Barroso, European Union Enlargement Commissioner Olli
    Rehn, Turkey-EU Joint Parliamentary Commission Co-chair Joost
    Lagendijk and Turkey rapporteur Camile Eurlings, and thousands of
    European individuals, are closest to those who oppose the bans in
    Turkey. This is a human rights struggle; it is not a struggle among