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Tehran: Armenian, Jewish minorities ready to attend Qods Day rallies

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  • Tehran: Armenian, Jewish minorities ready to attend Qods Day rallies

    Armenian, Jewish minorities ready to attend Qods Day rallies

    IRNA, Iran
    Oct 19 2006

    Tehran, Oct 19, IRNA -- The representative of the Armenian minority
    in Isfahan province in the Islamic Consultative Assembly (Majlis)
    here Thursday voiced readiness of all Iranian Armenians to attend the
    Qods Day rallies scheduled for the last Friday (tomorrow) of the holy
    fasting month of Ramadan.

    Robert Beglarian told IRNA that Qods Day is a day to demonstrate
    support of all religions for holy Qods.

    Holy Qods belongs to all religions and, therefore, the Armenian
    minority will participate in the Friday rallies to express its hatred
    for the criminal Zionist regime, he added.

    Members of the Armenian minority will express their support for the
    oppressed Palestinians by participating in the rallies, Beglarian

    In a related development, the Jewish community in a statement on
    Wednesday called on all Jews to participate in the Qods Day rallies.

    Officials of the community urged all Iranian Jews to support the
    rights of the Palestinian nation to live in peace and to coexist with
    members of other religious minorities.

    The late founder of the Islamic Republic, Imam Khomeini, set aside
    the last Friday of the holy fasting month of Ramadan as Qods Day to
    remind the world of the decades of Israeli oppression against the
    innocent and defenseless Palestinian nation.

    On this day, Muslims and non-Muslims in huge numbers all over the
    world come out to renew their support for the Palestinians and their
    resistance against the cruel and illegal Israeli occupation.