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ANKARA: If our Ambassador to Paris had been Armenian...

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  • ANKARA: If our Ambassador to Paris had been Armenian...

    Zaman, Turkey
    Oct 19 2006

    If our Ambassador to Paris had been Armenian...

    10.19.2006 Thursday - ISTANBUL 20:41

    The first Turkish novel, "Akabi Story" was written by Armenian Vartan
    Pasha in the middle of the 19th century and printed in the Armenian
    alphabet. What an interesting manifestation of fate is that the first
    Nobel Prize for Turkish literature has an Armenian element as well.

    Our successful novelist Orhan Pamuk, who was subjected to national
    anger after referring to events experienced by Anatolian Armenians
    during World War I in a way different than the 'official history'
    rhetoric, received this prestigious award.

    Carefully followed by the world's elite, the Nobel Prize's presentation
    to a Turk should normally be expected to make a positive impact
    on Turkey's image. However, the bestowal of the prize on an author
    whose name has been identified with the Armenian question due to some
    outdated legal practices, such as Article 301, that are contrary to
    freedom of expression will most likely create some new hurdles for
    Turkish diplomacy.

    There are many who tie the Nobel committee's choice to political
    reasons. We are also angry with the latest efforts of the French
    parliament to outlaw views that deny the so-called Armenian
    genocide with complete disregard to freedom of expression. However,
    it is obvious that we have not been able to overcome the vengeful
    Armenians. They increasingly gather the world intelligentsia behind
    them and deal defeat after defeat to Turkey. Wherever we go in the
    international community, an "Armenian genocide" ghost appears in front
    of us. The attacks in the U.S. Congress have been warded off so far,
    but actually the illness long ago infected that place as well.

    It comes out of incubation during periods whenever the immune system
    is weakened in Turkish-American relations. Sooner or later it will
    eventually reach its goal.

    As a grandchild of the Ottomans, who treated minorities in a much
    more civilized way than its contemporaries did, I get upset when
    controversial aspects of our history are highlighted in the West. On
    the other hand, I believe that our neglect has also played a big role
    in events coming to this point, and I bemoan this.

    If only we had been able to take reasonable precautions against
    the exploitation of some of our non-Muslim citizens by imperialists
    during the final period of the Ottomans. If only we had been able to
    realize our passage to the nation state model by better protecting our
    multi-cultural, multi-religious and multi-ethnical structure. If only
    we had kept Turkey's ties alive through Armenian and Greek Ottoman
    Diasporas especially, which formed after the disintegration of the
    empire, instead of alienating them this much. If only we had kept the
    door open to a return to their motherland and over time forgive even
    those who tormented their Muslim brothers because they were fooled by
    the land promises of the imperialists. Had we done so, perhaps many
    hurdles that are now consuming Turkey's energy and blocking its path
    might have been buried before they were even born.

    The Ottomans appointed our Armenian citizens as ambassadors to Belgium,
    Italy and England. Here is what I think: If our current ambassador in
    Paris was also an Armenian, could the French parliament insult us this
    easily? During the 19th century in the Ottoman state, Armenian citizens
    were appointed to the following upper-echelon posts: 29 generals,
    22 ministers, 33 members of parliament, seven ambassadors, 11 consul
    generals-consuls and 41 high-level bureaucrats. If as modern Turkey,
    we had done even a small portion of this, who would have adopted the
    Armenian genocide thesis?

    But alas, Armenians and Greeks, whose century-old criminal records
    we haven't yet erased, even the Jews, whose positive image generally
    persisted during the Republic period, still have difficulty today
    in openly taking jobs in the Turkish bureaucracy. Recently an ugly
    campaign was carried out against Chief of Staff General Yasar Buyukanit
    with the claim that he is Jewish. I don't know if the claim is true
    or not. But assuming it is, why should the religious preferences and
    ethnic roots of our statesmen be a problem, as long as they remain
    loyal to this country, flag and nation?

    Actually, it would be a great contribution to both our nation's
    internal harmony and international status if non-Muslim and non-Turkish
    elements were comfortable enough to put forth their real cultural
    identities in every aspect of life, including bureaucracy.

    Those who openly say "I'm Jew, I'm Armenian, I'm Greek, I'm Alevi,
    I'm Kurdish, or I'm a religious Sunni" can face serious obstacles,
    especially in bureaucratic careers. Hence, most of them hide their
    identity by survival instincts and trip up those they see as a
    threat. At the root of the political fights that shows our country
    as unstable to the world is this type of continuous quarreling. The
    Republic of Turkey should be rescued from being a kind of "republic
    of pretense" where different elements of the nation hesitate to put
    forth their original identities. Instead of trying to deter and punish
    those who would like to express themselves honestly, our legal system
    should provide them more assurance.

    Our ethnic and religious differences can be turned from being our
    weak spot, particularly in foreign policy, into being an advantage.

    For example, we're sending troops to Lebanon. Why not put at the
    top of our troops a commander who can, with no hesitation, express
    his Arab roots and can speak Arabic? After all, the United States
    is trying to utilize its ethnic, religious and linguistic diversity
    in its global policies. In Iraq, their ambassador (Zalmay Khalilzad)
    and number-one commander (General John Abizaid) are of Arab descent.

    Turkey is a country which is a home for all cultural colors in the
    region. If we know how to respect, protect and utilize our human
    heritage, wouldn't we have social and regional peace more easily?

    Wouldn't we reach our goal of contemporary civilization and EU
    membership faster? Wouldn't we be a more modern and stronger country?

    Wouldn't our enemies lose their biggest trump cards?