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GEORGIA: Will mob halt Assyrian Catholic centre?

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  • GEORGIA: Will mob halt Assyrian Catholic centre?

    GEORGIA: Will mob halt Assyrian Catholic centre?

    By Felix Corley, Forum 18 News Service <>

    Forum 18, Norway
    Oct 19 2006

    Assyrian Catholics in Georgia's capital Tbilisi fear more mob
    attacks, after a religious and cultural centre was attacked by a mob,
    Forum 18 News Service has learnt. "The Orthodox Church and
    fundamentalists don't want a Catholic presence," Fr Benny Yadgar told
    Forum 18. "If we start to use the centre for worship these fanatics
    could attack our people with knives and wooden posts. Our people have
    a right to be protected." Fr Yadgar insists that the problems do not
    come from the authorities, but a current signature campaign could
    lead to pressure on the authorities. Police have refused to comment
    to Forum 18 on the attacks. The Georgian Orthodox Church and the
    Parliamentary Human Rights Committee - unlike human rights activists,
    religious minorities and the Human Rights Ombudsperson - have refused
    to defend the Assyrian Catholics. "I called on Patriarch Ilya to
    defend our church, but he says it is not his business," Fr Yadgar

    One month after a hostile mob invaded and damaged a new religious and
    cultural centre Tbilisi's Assyrian Catholics are building in the
    Georgian capital, the community lives in fear of attack. "The
    Orthodox Church and fundamentalists don't want a Catholic presence in
    Georgia," the community's priest Fr Benny Yadgar told Forum 18 News
    Service from Tbilisi [T'bilisi] on 18 October. "I fear that if we
    start to use the centre for worship these fanatics could attack our
    people with knives and wooden posts. Our people have a right to be

    Giorgi Khutsishvili, head of the Tbilisi-based International Center
    of Conflict Negotiations, said the "disturbing" attack was instigated
    by fundamentalist Orthodox determined to prevent a Catholic church
    being built. "This is a clear issue: the Assyrian community has the
    right to build its centre," he told Forum 18 on 18 October. "So what
    if it is going to be used for worship?" His centre has hosted a
    meeting of the multi-faith Religions Council to discuss the issue.

    Fr Yadgar insists that the problems do not come from the authorities.

    "The government says: 'Go ahead, don't worry!'" he told Forum 18. He
    added that the police had offered to send officers to protect the
    building, as long as the Assyrians paid for it, an offer the
    community had turned down. "We don't want the police to have to stand
    at the doors of our place of worship." But he fears that a signature
    campaign now underway in the local district could lead to further
    pressure on the authorities. "They go around saying they need 200,000
    signatures to block us."

    Fr Yadgar said the office of the Human Rights Ombudsperson has been
    sympathetic and has scheduled a 27 October meeting to discuss their
    concerns to which he and the Catholic bishop, Giuseppe Pasotto, have
    been invited.

    Forum 18 was unable to reach Georgi Siradze, police chief for
    Vake-Saburtalo district where the Assyrian Catholic centre is based,
    to find out how the rights of the community will be protected.

    Reached on 19 October, the duty officer said the police were not
    allowed to give information to journalists and refused to give
    Siradze's number.

    Fr Yadgar said the Georgian Orthodox Patriarchate has failed to speak
    out against the threats. "I called on Patriarch Ilya to defend our
    church, but he says it is not his business."

    Despite the fact that the attack was widely reported in the media and
    was the subject of a debate on Rustavi-2 television, Zurab
    Tskhovrebadze, spokesperson for the Orthodox Patriarchate, told Forum
    18 on 19 October he had never heard anything about any problems over
    the Assyrian Catholic centre. "If it was true, of course it would be
    unacceptable for us Orthodox to use force, whether for political or
    religious ends."

    The Orthodox Patriarchate retains a powerful hold over society and
    the government and has successfully prevented almost all minority
    faiths from openly building new places of worship in recent years
    (see forthcoming F18News article). Some Georgian Orthodox priests
    have a record of inciting mob violence against religious minorities
    (see eg. F18News 25 May 2005 =569). Intolerance of
    religious minorities is widespread within Georgian society, despite
    some legal improvements (see F18News 24 May 2005 =568).

    Georgia's politicians have shown little interest in the Assyrian
    Catholics' concerns. "This was not an attack - it was merely
    misinterpretation of the feelings of people," Lali Papiashvili,
    deputy head of the Parliamentary Human Rights Committee, told Forum
    18 from Tbilisi on 19 October. "People were falsely informed by some
    kinds of activists that the building may cause religious problems for
    the local population." She denied that anyone would object to the
    building of a non-Orthodox place of worship. "I don't have any
    information that the Assyrian population is afraid."

    Papiashvili's colleague, Elene Tevdoradze, who chairs the
    Parliamentary Human Rights Committee, was equally unconcerned. "I
    haven't been to the Assyrian centre, but I've received no
    complaints," she told Forum 18 from Tbilisi on 18 October.

    Human rights activists and other religious minorities, however, have
    defended the embattled Assyrian Catholic community. "The city
    authorities were wrong to take into account Orthodox objections to
    the Assyrian centre," Bishop Malkhaz Songulashvili, head of Georgia's
    Baptist Church, told Forum 18 on 4 October. Support for the Assyrians
    has also come from the Armenian Apostolic Church and the Lutherans,
    Fr Yadgar told Forum 18.

    Fr Yadgar said the new centre was invaded by a mob of about 60 people
    on 18 September, three or four days after anonymous, undated leaflets
    started to circulate in the district, stirring people up against the
    Catholics and urging them to come to the centre. "The letter alleged
    that Catholics are aggressive proselytisers who killed our monks in
    the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries. It also alleged they marry
    cats and dogs and give the Eucharist to animals."

    Fr Yadgar was away at the time of the mob invasion, but Giuni Gulua
    was one of two community members who tried to explain to television
    journalists and to the mob why the community was building the centre.

    "Part of the mob obviously had no clue as to why they were there, but
    the other part was very aggressively hostile, saying we had no right
    to build a Catholic church," she told Forum 18 on 19 October. "We
    explained that we had all the legal documents we needed to build the
    church, but many of them weren't prepared to listen to us. We then
    left to avoid any possibility of violent confrontation." She said
    some of the mob then went down to the cellar and damaged the interior

    Fr Yadgar said the cultural centre deliberately combines classrooms
    and meeting rooms with a sanctuary for worship. "Without
    Christianity, we Assyrians have no culture, so it is natural the two
    go together," he told Forum 18. "But in any case, we are not
    recognised in law as a religious organisation and do not have the
    right to build a church." After initial difficulties (see F18News 14
    November 2003 , he
    eventually managed to get all the approvals they needed from the city
    authorities. Construction work began in 2004, he added, but finding
    the necessary money has delayed building. "Because of the situation
    in Iraq we have had no support from there."

    Although all the external work is now complete, Fr Yadgar said
    completing the interior could take another year, especially in the
    wake of the damage and any potential attack. (END)

    For the comments of Georgian religious leaders and human rights
    activists on how the legacy of religious violence should be overcome,

    For more background see Forum 18's Georgia religious freedom survey

    A printer-friendly map of Georgia is available at las/index.html?Parent=asia&Rootmap=georgi