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Economist: Georgia's prospects

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  • Economist: Georgia's prospects

    Oct 20 2006

    Georgia's prospects
    Oct 19th 2006

    Russia's mixture of economic, political and covert-action pressure
    on Georgia recalls of another stormy and scary period, in the Baltic
    states in the 1990s, that changed history completely

    WHEN your correspondent lived in the Baltics in the early 1990s, it
    was common to pooh-pooh the prospect of NATO membership. The obstacles
    seemed insurmountable: Soviet occupation soldiers who wouldn't go
    home; disputed borders with Russia; the expense; the gulf between NATO
    standards and those of the flimsy and ill-run Baltic home guards-and
    most of all the deafening lack of enthusiasm from the West.

    But just as Russia's economic sanctions shunted Baltic foreign
    trade westwards, its insistence that letting the Balts join NATO
    was "impermissible" (a favourite Kremlin word) was the strongest
    proof that membership of the alliance was not just desirable, but
    necessary. Russia neatly backed that up with footdragging on the
    withdrawal of the Russian military, refusal to recognise the Baltic
    states' legal continuity from the pre-war period and endless huffing
    and puffing about the language and citizenship laws. It all made local
    support for NATO soar: when you scare people, they buy more insurance.

    After a bit, the West came round, too. The Baltic states are still
    effectively indefensible; two of them (Estonia and Latvia) still lack
    border treaties with Russia. Yet, rather like the even less defensible
    West Berlin during the cold war, they have gained a symbolic importance
    that means they cannot be abandoned. (Or so they hope).

    As an illustration, just imagine how different history would have
    been if the Kremlin line in the 1990s had been: "Sure, go ahead and
    join NATO if you want. We wouldn't dream of interfering and we want
    excellent relations with NATO ourselves anyway. Of course we will
    pull our troops out as soon as we can...and we will be delighted
    to sign border agreements as soon as possible, recognising your
    historical continuity."

    That message would have destroyed the case for NATO expansion
    overnight. It is unlikely that any of the ex-communist countries
    would have wanted to join or that NATO would have wanted to have them.

    Now Russia is making the same mistake with Georgia. NATO's appetite for
    expanding to the eastern shores of the Black Sea is mostly minimal. The
    alliance is dreadfully overstretched anyway and the last thing it
    needs militarily is another small poor country which needs a lot and
    (pipelines apart) offers little.

    But Russia's determination to see Georgia as part of a 'near abroad'
    over which it wields a geopolitical veto is creating the mood-already
    in Georgia and soon, with luck, in the West-in which the opposite
    will happen.

    It is not just because bullying goes down badly. Russia has signally
    failed to show the benefits of being an ally. Every country that teams
    up with Russia ends up regretting it. Nobody in the Kremlin seems to
    have bothered to think about loyal little Armenia, savagely hit by the
    sanctions against Georgia. In Belarus, President Alyaksandr Lukashenka
    calls Vladimir Putin, Russia's president, "worse than Stalin" and is
    putting out feelers to the West. Cheap gas sounds nice initially-but
    it always comes at a high price.

    The stubborn attractiveness of the 'Euro-Atlantic orientation' is
    striking given that it survives both the hideously botched occupation
    of Iraq and extraordinarily selfish agricultural protectionism. It must
    surely give the Kremlin foreign policy thinkers pause for thought that
    for all its faults NATO has a queue of real countries eager to join
    it, whereas only a handful of puppet states such as Transdniestria
    want to go in the other direction.