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ANKARA: Armenian patriarch raises concerns over foundations bill

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  • ANKARA: Armenian patriarch raises concerns over foundations bill

    Armenian patriarch raises concerns over foundations bill

    Turkish Daily News
    Oct 20 2006

    Friday, October 20, 2006

    ANKARA - Turkish Daily News - Turkish Armenian Patriarch Mesrob
    Mutafyan yesterday criticized a bill aimed at returning confiscated
    property to minority foundations, saying it was contradictory to the
    principle of equality as set forth in the Constitution.

    He said if the bill was legislated in its current form, it would
    not bring a solution to Turkey's decades-old problem on minority

    Mesrob II sent letters to Parliament Speaker Bulent Arýnc, Prime
    Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoðan and Foreign Minister Abdullah Gul to
    express his views on the bill, which Parliament has been considering
    as part of a European Union-backed reform package prior to the release
    of the EU Commission's key progress report next month.

    "We have no request other than equal citizenship," he said, expressing
    disappointment that the bill was being evaluated on the basis of
    reciprocity without taking into account the views of Turkish Armenians.

    Parliament was continuing debate yesterday on the controversial bill,
    which caused tension when Parliament's Justice Commission discussed it
    last month. On that occasion, the main opposition Republican People's
    Party (CHP) claimed that a decision to restore property rights for
    minority foundations as envisaged by the bill would violate the
    Lausanne Treaty's principle of reciprocity, which stipulates that
    improvements in rights for the Greek minority in Turkey should be
    mirrored by improvements in the rights of Greece's Turkish minority.
    In a move to soothe such concerns, Deputy Prime Minister Mehmet Ali
    Þahin submitted a proposal, saying that the principle of reciprocity
    would be upheld at the implementation phase.

    "We are citizens of this country, so we believe that there is nothing
    more natural than our informing you of our problems and asking you
    to resolve them," the patriarch said.
