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Economist: Troubles ahead

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  • Economist: Troubles ahead

    Oct 20 2006

    Troubles ahead
    Oct 19th 2006 | ISTANBUL
    >>From The Economist print edition

    There may be serious fall-out from Turkey's present poor relationship
    with both the European Union and America


    "THERE'S a lot of talk these days of a train-wreck later this year
    bringing Turkey's negotiations for membership [of the European Union]
    to a shuddering halt. Is this exaggeration? Or just brinksmanship?
    Neither, I fear. The danger is real." These valedictory words from
    the outgoing British ambassador, Sir Peter Westmacott, reflect a
    growing concern over Turkey's relationship with the EU.

    The trigger for the looming derailment is Cyprus, which joined the EU
    as a divided island in 2004. The EU insists that Turkey must honour
    its pledge to open its ports to Greek-Cypriot ships and aircraft.
    Turkey retorts that part of the deal was to end the economic isolation
    of the Turkish-Cypriots. It will not budge on the ports until the
    embargo on Turkish-occupied northern Cyprus is lifted. If this row
    is not settled by the end of the year, the EU membership talks may
    be suspended.

    A longtime NATO ally, Turkey's strategic importance and size mean
    that a rupture with the EU would have effects far beyond its borders.
    It would confirm suspicions across the Islamic world that the union
    is a Christian club. Mindful of the stakes, Finland, which holds the
    EU presidency, has been pushing a plan that would let Greek-Cypriots
    use Turkish ports and Turkish-Cypriots export their goods, under
    union supervision, from the Turkish-controlled port of Famagusta.
    This week Abdullah Gul, the Turkish foreign minister, and Ali Babacan,
    the economy minister and lead negotiator with the EU, both said they
    were hopeful of a breakthrough before the European Commission issues
    its progress report on Turkish accession on November 8th.

    In private, Turkish officials say that any deal would have to include
    reopening northern Cyprus to commercial air traffic, because tourism
    is the only way of ending its dependence on handouts from Turkey. And
    the Greek-Cypriots say this is out of the question so long as Turkey
    refuses to recognise their government as the only legitimate one on
    the island.

    Barring a last-minute miracle on Cyprus, the best hope is that
    negotiations are allowed to continue on chapters that are unrelated
    to trade or other matters that affect the Greek-Cypriots directly.
    But that means persuading the Greek-Cypriots to lift their veto on
    opening new chapters. And the suspicion in Ankara is anyway that
    countries such as Austria and France, where there is strong public
    resistance to Turkish accession, would be only too happy to see the
    talks suspended.

    How else, say the Turks, can one explain the French National Assembly
    vote for a bill to criminalise denial that the mass slaughter of the
    Armenians by the Ottoman Turks in 1915 was genocide? Or the demands by
    French politicians that recognition of the genocide should be made
    a condition for Turkey's membership, even though the enlargement
    commissioner, Olli Rehn, has firmly declared that it should not be?

    Given the public response in Turkey to what are seen as European
    snubs, some are now speculating that it will be Recep Tayyip Erdogan,
    the Turkish prime minister, who is the first to walk away from the
    talks. With support for EU membership dipping below 50%, a firm show
    of defiance might be a good way of drawing nationalist votes to Mr
    Erdogan's mildly Islamist AK party in the parliamentary election that
    is due by next November.

    As ever, pro-European Turks are pinning their hopes on America to
    ride to the rescue. The economic and political ructions that many fear
    would follow a suspension of the EU membership talks might galvanise
    America into using its influence with heavyweights such as Germany's
    chancellor, Angela Merkel, who is due to assume the EU presidency
    in January.

    The trouble is that Mr Erdogan now has so few friends left in
    Washington. His failure to deliver on promises to facilitate America's
    invasion of Iraq and his overtures to Iran and Syria have made him
    seem an unreliable partner. This matters as America ponders the best
    response to Iran's nuclear ambitions.

    At home too, Mr Erdogan is facing problems with the country's hawkish
    new chief of the general staff, General Yasar Buyukanit. Since taking
    over in August, the general and his fellow commanders have turned up
    the volume of rhetoric they aim at both the government and the EU.
    When Mehmet Agar, leader of the opposition True Path Party, declared
    last week that he would not allow the generals to talk when he came
    to power, General Buyukanit responded that he would continue to talk
    "even if you are in charge."

    The army's assertiveness is aimed in part at bullying Mr Erdogan
    into renouncing his presumed ambitions to succeed the determinedly
    pro-secular Ahmet Necdet Sezer as president when his term expires in
    May. Mr Sezer has spent the past three years blocking any legislation
    proposed by Mr Erdogan that he has deemed to be a threat to the
    secular tenets of the constitution. For secularists the presidency
    is their sole remaining bastion; should the overtly pious Islamist
    Mr Erdogan conquer it, they fear that it will be the end of Ataturk's
    republic. The knee-jerk anti-Semitism displayed by some of Mr Erdogan's
    colleagues has not helped him.

    General Buyukanit may well be tempted to voice these concerns when
    he visits Washington shortly. His views on Iran (he once described
    Iran's theocracy as the "antithesis" of Ataturk's republic) will
    undoubtedly appeal to his hosts. Should the EU talks collapse, the
    army may be given an even freer hand. There is loose talk of a repeat
    of the generals' so-called "soft coup" in 1997, when they managed to
    lever Turkey's first Islamist-led government out of power.

    Yet although some in America might be tempted to welcome such an
    outcome, the chances of its happening remain tiny. Unlike 1997,
    the opposition parties lack the parliamentary strength to form
    a government. Foreign investors, crucial to sustained economic
    growth, would take fright if the army moved. Another risk is that
    opposition to a military-backed government would no longer come only
    from mainstream Kurdish and Islamic groups, but from their militant
    hardcore detractors, with suspected ties to Islamist terrorists.

    That such scenarios are now seriously conjured up only goes to show
    that EU membership, warts and all, is the best-and possibly the
    only-guarantee of Ataturk's dream of a firmly pro-western democracy.
    With the right vision and selfless leadership Mr Erdogan could still
    go down in history as the man who made it come true. But he will have
    to show statesmanship-and the EU (and America) will have to help him
    along the way.