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BAKU: Ukraine Deputy FM called on UN to implement resolution on NK c

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  • BAKU: Ukraine Deputy FM called on UN to implement resolution on NK c

    Azeri Press Agency, Azerbaijan
    Oct 21 2006

    Ukraine Deputy Foreign Minister called on UN to implement resolution
    on Nagorno Garabagh conflict

    [ 21 Oct. 2006 15:28 ]

    Ukraine Deputy Foreign Minister Vladimir Khandogiy addressed the UN
    General Assembly meting dedicated to the cooperation with the regional
    organizations yesterday.

    He said that the UN should strengthen the relations with regional
    countries, APA reports. The minister also said that it is important
    for UN to activate its plans on the solution of ongoing conflicts in
    Georgia, Moldavia and Azerbaijan.

    "International Organization, especially the UN and OSCE should make
    practical steps on the solution of conflicts in the region," he said.

    Xandogiy thanked General Assembly for putting the problem of
    "The prolonged conflicts in GUAM region and their influence on the
    development and security of international organizations" to the agenda
    and said that he hopes this step will help to solve the conflicts
    in Azerbaijan, Georgia and Moldavia. He called on the conflict sides
    to execute the resolution of UN Security Council and OSCE on Nagorno
    Garabagh and Abkhazia-Georgia conflicts and to start the execution of
    the plan offered by Georgia President on peaceful solution of South
    Ossetia-Georgia conflict. The diplomat also talked about Ukraine
    president's initiative on "The regulation of Trans-Dnestr conflict
    on Democratic Principles". He said that economic security is very
    important for Europe. The Minister also stressed the necessity of
    Black -Caspian Sea region in safe energy recourses' transfer to Europe.

    "GUAM states are ready to participate actively in the implementation
    of energy projects by Black Sea Economic Cooperation Organization,"
    he said. /APA/