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Fake Compassion Of Europe's Right-Wing: Armenian Genocide

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  • Fake Compassion Of Europe's Right-Wing: Armenian Genocide

    James Cooke

    PEJ News, Canada
    Peace, Earth & Justice News
    Socialist Perspectives
    Oct 21 2006

    On the surface, this appears to be a Left cause - Turkey seems guilty
    of holocaust-denial. Rewriting history is always a dangerous route to
    take, especially when those doing it are heads of state; the result
    is traditionally scapegoating and repression. Anyone who stands for
    justice and equality takes a firm stance against such behavior. With
    that said, one has to wonder why this particular event, which took
    place over a hundred years ago, is suddenly making headlines. To view
    this emerging topic as a simple case of holocaust-denial is to align
    oneself with the anti-Islamic wing of Europe who are using the topic
    to inflame ethnic and religious tensions, consolidate their racist
    constituency, and shift national issues away from the ever-worsening
    social reality- much like what is happening in the U.S., not to
    mention Australia.

    The spark that united the current debate occurred in France, where
    Jacques Chirac, the right-wing President, and Nicolas Sarkozy,
    Chirac's ultra-right Interior Minister, co-supported a law making
    denial of the Armenian genocide a crime; earlier in the year France
    officially recognized the event as genocide. Now Chirac has publicly
    stated that Turkey, who does not recognize the WWI happenings as
    genocide, should do so if it wants entrance into the European Union.

    Once again, taking this move on its face, the usually-callous French
    leaders appear to be putting humanity ahead of politics. Just the
    opposite is the case, as it always is.

    Before an opinion is formed on this issue, some preliminary details
    should be pondered. One should first reflect on the fact that the
    Armenian genocide was the work of Ottoman Turks (Muslims), responsible
    for killing Armenian Christians. This particular detail should raise
    an eyebrow, considering the current climate of religious tension in
    the world.

    Additional suspicion is required when one considers the credibility
    of these suddenly-virtuous French leaders, whose past actions have
    made them the object of contempt from much of French society. Chirac
    is the French equivalent of George Bush- he is widely unpopular and
    considered by many to be a lame duck. The massive protests that
    took place in response to the First Employment Contract proposed
    by Chirac had revolutionary potential, and forced the President
    to make a substantial, albeit temporary retreat in his right-wing
    policy-making. The sad state of France has forced its leaders into
    the cellars of society to find political support; religion, racism,
    and demagoguery are the tactics now relied on to divert attention
    from the pressing issues of the country. Suddenly, the most prized
    constituents are the most backward, content with easy answers to
    complex questions. Immigrants and Muslims have been hardest hit by
    this shift of strategy.

    The subtle anti-Islamic rhetoric that both politicians and the media
    had been using evolved into the most racist and reactionary state
    policies. French schools are now under a country-wide ban of Muslim
    headscarves and other "conspicuous' religious symbols, a blatant
    violation of a founding principle of the French republic- freedom of
    religion. Chirac's national address concerning the issue was greeted by
    the media with fanfare and hysteria as he tried to twist the issue into
    one of great historical importance. The social problems of France were
    now blamed on a 'clash of cultures'- the method used by every despotic
    regime in history facing desperation and crisis. The Muslims of France
    were painted as foreign entities, unable to acclimate themselves to
    French society, something that is now blamed for their devastating
    poverty and consequently, overt rebelliousness.

    In October 2005, the culmination of the 'Muslim question' took place in
    riot form, spreading quickly across France and eventually throughout
    much of Europe, reflecting the continent-wide significance of the
    issue. Those rioting were mainly Islamic youth of African heritage,
    unhappy with unemployment, poverty, and state-sponsored racism. The
    French government responded with ruthless repression, implanting
    curfews and a three-month long state of emergency. Little was mentioned
    about the social conditions responsible for the uprising. Nicholas
    Sarkozy, always in the vanguard of anti-Islamic rhetoric, referred to
    the rioters as 'rubble' and 'scum', using the event as a pretext for
    even harsher laws and a 'monitoring program' aimed at the extremely
    early detection of troublemakers; Muslims will be the overwhelming
    target in this case.

    With the above taken into consideration, the new genocide-denial
    law cannot be supported. It is an insult to the memories of those
    Armenians actually persecuted during WWI; their deaths are being
    shamelessly exploited by a regime in crisis, looking for any reason
    to shift the country's problems away from those responsible for
    decision-making. Chirac and his cohorts are literally incapable
    of such empathy, responding with genuine emotion only when their
    corporate masters are threatened.

    Fortunately, many Armenians of the region understand the racist
    intentions of the new law, and have vowed to travel to France to
    become criminals for breaking a law that is allegedly meant to protect
    them. This level of political consciousness is severely lacking by
    many of those interested in the subject.

    It is enough to know that most governments in the world today
    are mirrored reflections of an internationally unhealthy business
    environment; the corporations that have long controlled the mainstream
    political parties are expressing their desperation through their
    electoral voice boxes. The ever-deepening conflict of interests between
    the needs of corporations and that of average people has created
    an environment of hostility towards governments across the globe,
    resulting in the low-brow political maneuvers so familiar to those
    living in the U.S. At this stage, EVERY policy implemented by every 1st
    world government should be looked upon with deep suspicion. Scratching
    the surface will usually reveal the most sickening of intentions.

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