23.10.2006 18:14 GMT+04:00
/PanARMENIAN.Net/ Today Armenian National Assembly Speaker met
with French Ambassador to Armenia Henry Cuny, who is completing
his diplomatic mission, reported the RA NA press office. The French
Ambassador said his departure doesn't mean that he says goodbye to
the country. When covering his 5-year mission in Armenia the French
diplomat remarked that these years were interesting and full of
important work. As for the upcoming parliamentary election in 2007,
Amb. Cuny said, it will be an examination for Armenia on the way
towards democracy and it's very important to pass this examination.
For his part Tigran Torosian remarked that Henry Cuny leaves good but
complex heritage for his successor, since the new Ambassador should
maintain the achievements and continue the activities. The parties
also referred to the French bill penalizing the Armenian Genocide
denial. Quoting French President Jacques Chirac, who once said "They
have missed the best opportunity to keep silent" on quite another
matter, Tigran Torosian characterized the conduct of the organizations,
which condemned the decision by the French parliament. In his words,
the reaction of Turkey and Azerbaijan lacks any logic and rationality.
The RA NA Speaker remarked that the bill doesn't purpose the objective
to take somebody to prison but calls not to raise moral problems to
a political wrangle. "Those who try to give a lesson of democracy to
France looks somehow ridiculous," he said.
Henry Cuny was appointed French Ambassador to Slovakia.
23.10.2006 18:14 GMT+04:00
/PanARMENIAN.Net/ Today Armenian National Assembly Speaker met
with French Ambassador to Armenia Henry Cuny, who is completing
his diplomatic mission, reported the RA NA press office. The French
Ambassador said his departure doesn't mean that he says goodbye to
the country. When covering his 5-year mission in Armenia the French
diplomat remarked that these years were interesting and full of
important work. As for the upcoming parliamentary election in 2007,
Amb. Cuny said, it will be an examination for Armenia on the way
towards democracy and it's very important to pass this examination.
For his part Tigran Torosian remarked that Henry Cuny leaves good but
complex heritage for his successor, since the new Ambassador should
maintain the achievements and continue the activities. The parties
also referred to the French bill penalizing the Armenian Genocide
denial. Quoting French President Jacques Chirac, who once said "They
have missed the best opportunity to keep silent" on quite another
matter, Tigran Torosian characterized the conduct of the organizations,
which condemned the decision by the French parliament. In his words,
the reaction of Turkey and Azerbaijan lacks any logic and rationality.
The RA NA Speaker remarked that the bill doesn't purpose the objective
to take somebody to prison but calls not to raise moral problems to
a political wrangle. "Those who try to give a lesson of democracy to
France looks somehow ridiculous," he said.
Henry Cuny was appointed French Ambassador to Slovakia.