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Rural Armenia News Service - ATG Seed Farmer Honored with Gold Medal

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  • Rural Armenia News Service - ATG Seed Farmer Honored with Gold Medal

    1300 E. Shaw Ave, Suite 149
    P.O.Box 5969
    Fresno, CA 93755-5969
    Tel: 559-224-1000
    Fax: 559-224-1002
    Email: [email protected]

    ATG Seed Farmer Honored with Gold Medal

    Yerevan, Armenia - At the second Armenian International AgroForum
    Conference that took place in Yerevan, Armenia on September 22-23,
    2006, Hovhanness Galoyan, an ATG farmer from Karnut village, near
    Gyumri in Shirak Marz, was recognized by the Government of Armenia for
    his exceptional achievement in the seed industry, and awarded him a
    Gold Medal.

    This is the second time in two years that the Armenian Government is
    honoring the California based Armenian Technology Group (ATG) a Gold
    Medal for its accomplishments in the rural agricultural development in

    While awarding the medal, the Ministry of Agriculture, Mr. Davit
    Lokyan praised the work done by Galoyan and declaring that "this year
    the average wheat yields were very low in Armenia (1.5-2.5 MT per
    hectares).... Galoyan harvested 6-6.5 MT per ha!"

    A farmer working under the directives of the ATG, Galoyan has mastered
    the production of high quality certified wheat seed in Armenia. He is
    a member of the Seed Producers Support Association (SPSA) founded by
    ATG in 1998. The association has 47 members who are specialized in
    production of certified high quality wheat, alfalfa, corn and barley
    seeds that are appropriate for different growing zones in Armenia.
    This award is the result of a long and dedicated efforts of long term
    US based ATG technical farm advisors such as Roger Culver, and Roger
    Benton who lived and worked with the farmers in Armenia for over 12

    " I am so pleased that our farmers are getting some recognition! They
    are the backbone of Armenia's rural economy," said Roger Benton,
    retired UC Extension Agent and a long time ATG technical advisor and
    previous in-county director from his home in California. "ATG farmers
    worked so hard to help feed the nation and their families. I remember
    particularly when our seed growers literally saved thousands of people
    from possible starvation and famine, by supplying clean and treated
    seed to over 12,000 farmers to plant their winter wheat in 2000. May
    God Bless them all!"

    "ATG supplied the best of Western wheat growing knowledge together
    with an initial variety of high quality wheat seed to the farmers of
    Armenia", said Nubar Tashjian, President of ATG. "To the credit of the
    Armenian farmers, they readily adopted the Western methods together
    with the wheat seed and the benefits realized are history. Those
    farmers adopting ATG supplied seed and methodology improved wheat
    production many times over greatly benefiting Armenia. I commend the
    Armenian farmer for his industry and intelligence. I congratulate
    Mr. Galoyan for his achievement, a medal well deserved ".

    The ATG Seed Multiplication Project has been funded through USDA
    Foreign Agricultural Service - Food for Progress. Other major sponsors
    are the Lincy Foundation, The Bertha and John Garabedian Charitable
    Foundation, PACC and other organizations and individuals in the United

    ATG is a California based non-profit, public benefit corporation with
    offices in Fresno, Yerevan and Stepanakerd, NK. The organization can
    be reached at 559-224-1000. Tax deductible donations could be mailed
    to ATG 1300 E. Shaw Ave. Suite 131; P. O. Box 5969, Fresno, CA
    93755. You can also visit the ATG web site at and
    donate on line.

    Rural Armenia News Service

    Brought to you by ATG, Inc.
    (Armenian Technology Group)

    For more information about how you can help rural Armenia,
    contact ATG at [email protected]

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