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ANC-PAC Endorses Orange County Republican Congressman

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  • ANC-PAC Endorses Orange County Republican Congressman

    104 N. Belmont St.
    Suite 200B
    Glendale, CA 91206

    ANC-PAC Issues Strong Endorsement ForOrange County Republican Congressman

    Congressman Ed Royce is a Proponent of Stronger U.S.-Armenia Relations

    October 24, 2006

    LOS ANGELES, CA - Congressman Ed Royce (R-CA) was endorsed this week by
    the Armenian National Committee - Political Action Committee (ANC-PAC), the
    nation's largest grassroots Armenian American political organization. Royce,
    a Republican from Orange County, has been a staunch advocate for his Armenian
    American constituents in California's 40th Congressional District.
    "Ed Royce has earned the vote of every Armenian American in his district,"
    commented ANC-PAC spokesperson Ara Malazian. "His principled leadership on
    the powerful House International Relations Committee and his longstanding and
    active ties to our community all across his congressional district give us
    great faith in wholeheartedly endorsing his reelection to the U.S. Congress,"
    Malazian added.
    Earlier this year members of the ANC of Orange County met with Congressman
    Royce to thank him for co-sponsoring the Crowley-Sherman-Royce Amendment to
    the Export-Import Bank Reauthorization Act of 2006. That amendment prohibits
    the Export-Import Bank from providing any assistance "to develop or promote
    any rail connections or railway-related connections that traverse or connect
    Baku, Azerbaijan; Tbilisi, Georgia; and Kars, Turkey, and that specifically
    exclude cities in Armenia." Congressman Royce was also fully briefed on both
    the firing of former U.S. Ambassador to Armenia John Evans for honestly
    referencing the Armenian Genocide and provided background on the ANCA's
    opposition to President Bush's nominee to replace Evans.
    Since his election to the U.S. House of Representatives in 1992, Royce has
    vigorously addressed the concerns of his Armenian American constituents in
    Orange County. By providing outstanding constituent services through his
    District Office in Fullerton and by working in the U.S. Capitol to advance
    pro-human rights legislation related to Armenia, the Congressman has emerged
    as a leading voice for his Armenian Americans. The Congressman has proudly
    served for years as a member of the Congressional Caucus on Armenian Issues
    and has consistently endorsed legislation to encourage stronger economic
    relations between the United States and Armenia.
    "The ANC-PAC's endorsement is also the result of Congressman Royce's
    proven track-record in leading the charge in Congress to stop the ongoing
    genocide in Sudan. We know that he has visited Darfur and seen a modern
    genocide with his own eyes. We stand shoulder to shoulder with him in working
    to find an international solution that will immediately stop the bloodshed in
    Darfur," Malazian added.
    In 2004, the Armenian National Committee of Orange County awarded
    Congressman Royce with its prestigious "Freedom Award" for championing the
    concerns of his constituents in Washington, DC. The event, held at the
    Armenian Community Center in Santa Ana, was attended by hundreds of the
    Congressman's constituents.
    More recently, Royce has been an outspoken advocate for ending Turkey's
    shameful denial of the Armenian Genocide in which over 1.5 million Armenian
    Christians were killed from 1915 to 1923. In September of 2005, the
    Congressman participated in a markup of two Armenian Genocide resolutions in
    the House International Relations Committee, on which he serves as a senior
    member. With his full support, both measures, which call for proper U.S.
    recognition of the Armenian Genocide and urge Turkey to end its decades long
    denial of this crime against humanity, were overwhelmingly adopted.
    Unfortunately, despite Royce's backing, the Speaker of the House continues to
    block both measures from being voted on by the full membership of the House
    of Representatives.
    Congressman Royce currently serves as the Chairman of the House
    International Relations Committee's Subcommittee on International Terrorism
    and Nonproliferation. He is also being seriously considered by Republican
    leaders to chair the full committee, given the retirement of the current
    chairman, Congressman Henry Hyde of Illinois.
    The ANC-PAC is a non-partisan federally registered political action
    committee established to support campaign committees for Members of Congress
    who share the values of the Armenian American community. The ANC-PAC is at
    the forefront of efforts to ensure that the voice of the Armenian American
    community is clearly heard in our nation's capital. The ANC-PAC continues a
    century old tradition of Armenian Americans engagement on the public policy
    issues facing national political leaders, both in the U.S. Congress and the
    White House.