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Will Serge Sargsyan Cheat The Republicans?

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  • Will Serge Sargsyan Cheat The Republicans?

    Hakob Badalyan

    Lragir, Armenia
    Oct 20 2006

    When during the dramatic July 22 conference the Republican Party
    elected chair of its Council, the chair of this council announced
    that they started a process which would produce its first fruits in
    three of four months. The new chair of the Council even stated that
    everyone would see these fruits. On October 24 this statement, which
    was made by Serge Sargsyan, is three months and two days old. Since
    one of the Republican leaders was hosted by the Hayeli Club today,
    namely the leader of the Republican faction Gagik Melikyan, we tried to
    inquire from him whether the Republicans have already seen the fruits,
    as the chair of the Council had promised. And we asked Gagik Melikyan
    to tell us about some if them if they have already seen them.

    Gagik Melikyan turned down our request but do not think that because
    he was unwilling. Simply there are no fruits. Moreover, Gagik Melikyan
    was unaware of the statement made by the chair of the Council of his
    party, either because he is indifferent towards Serge Sargsyan or he
    was mad with joy about his election.

    Gagik Melikyan announced that in case of effective work of three or
    four months there will be the first fruits, and people will see them.

    However, we made it clear for him that Serge Sargsyan had made this
    statement three months ago and he had meant three or four months from
    July 22 and not three or four months from October 24.

    Gagik Melikyan answered with a question, "What does "first fruits"
    mean?" We are sorry to tell the respectable member of parliament
    that he should ask this question to the person who spoke about these
    fruits and not us. And we note especially for Gagik Melikyan that this
    person was Serge Sargsyan, the chair of the council Gagik Melikyan
    is a member too. And it is necessary to find this out as quickly
    as possible because the date of the "first fruits" is expiring,
    and if the Republicans fail to find out from Serge Sargsyan what
    "first fruits" means, after the deadline the defense minister can
    offer whatever he wants as first fruits, and in three or four months
    offer to the Republicans the apricots which rotted in Verin Lars.