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ArmenPAC Issues Its Endorsements in The 2006 Midterm Elections

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  • ArmenPAC Issues Its Endorsements in The 2006 Midterm Elections

    ARMENPAC, The Armenian-American Political Action Committee
    421 E. Airport Freeway, Suite 201
    Irving, Texas 75220
    Contact: Jason P. Capizzi, Esq.
    Tel: (972) 635-5347
    E-mail: [email protected]
    Web: <>

    Be sure to visit <> to view your
    candidates' responses to the 2006 ARMENPAC Congressional Candidate
    Questionnaire before voting on Election Day

    Irving, TX - On Tuesday, November 7, 2006, citizens across the nation will
    cast their votes in the United States Congressional midterm elections. One
    third of the seats in the United States Senate (i.e., thirty-three (33)
    Class 1 seats), and all of the seats in the United States House of
    Representatives (i.e., four hundred thirty-five (435) seats) are up for
    election. Members of the United States Senate hold six-year terms, and if
    elected in the upcoming elections, will serve from January 3, 2007 through
    January 3, 2013. Members of the United States House of Representatives hold
    two-year terms, and if elected in the upcoming elections, will serve in the
    110th Congress from January 3, 2007 through January 3, 2009.

    To execute Armenian goals, a legislative body comprised of leaders devoted
    to facilitating and supporting initiatives that benefit Armenia and Nagorno
    Karabakh is imperative. Of equal importance, ARMENPAC requires a strong
    foundation of Armenian-American supporters in order to maintain and advance
    a beneficial relationship between the United States and the Republics of
    Armenia and Nagorno Karabakh. In order to ensure a bright future for the
    people of Armenia and Nagorno Karabakh, ARMENPAC holds true to the belief
    that knowledge is power, setting forth all efforts to educate itself,
    congressional candidates, and the Armenian-American community at large.

    Through its 2006 Congressional Candidate Questionnaire initiative, ARMENPAC
    was the first Armenian-American advocacy organization to educate all federal
    candidates who may otherwise be unfamiliar with the pressing issues that are
    important to Armenian-Americans, while simultaneously providing them with a
    forum to share their opinions on these fundamental issues. In its continued
    effort to raise awareness of, and advocate for, policies that help create
    peace, security and stability in the Caucasus region, ARMENPAC investigated
    the positions of all 1,944 candidates for the United States Senate and the
    United States House of Representatives on current issues of importance to
    the Armenian-American community. The results of this investigation serve to
    empower Armenian-American voters with the fundamental knowledge necessary to
    make an informed decision on Election Day. Armenian-American unity, despite
    bipartisan political beliefs, is guaranteed to assist the Republics of
    Armenia and Nagorno Karabakh.

    Upon review of the positions of the nearly 400 survey respondents, as well
    as the established voting records of incumbent candidates, ARMENPAC has made
    an informed decision in considering which federal candidates have earned its
    endorsement in the upcoming elections. Notably, ARMENPAC received
    approximately 209 pledges to join the Congressional Caucus on Armenian
    Issues in the United States House of Representatives, of which eight (8)
    were from nonmember incumbent candidates, i.e., Sanford Bishop, Jr. (D-GA),
    John Barrow (D-GA), Janice Schakowsky (D-IL), Roscoe Bartlett, Jr. (R-MD),
    Timothy Bishop (D-NY), Chris Owens (D-NY), John Carter (R-TX), Tammy Baldwin
    (D-WI). "ARMENPAC's advocacy initiatives, which are yielding positive
    results, are integral in building a bipartisan majority in support of
    Armenian-American issues, and must be supported by all members of the
    Armenian-American community," said ARMENPAC Co-Chairs Annie Totah and Edgar

    ARMENPAC is pleased to endorse the campaigns of the following candidates for
    the Unites States Senate: CALIFORNIA: Rick Renzi (R-1); MAIN: Olympia Snow
    (R); MARYLAND: Ben Cardin (D); MASSACHUSETTS: Edward Kennedy (D); MICHIGAN:
    Debbie Stabenow (D); NEW JERSEY: Robert Menendez (D); NEW YORK: Hillary
    Rodham Clinton (D); OHIO: Sherrod Brown (D); PENNSYLVANIA: Rick Santorum
    (R); RHODE ISLAND: Lincoln Chafee (R); VIRGINIA: George Allen (R);
    WASHINGTON: Maria Cantwell (D); WISCONSIN: Herb Kohl (D).

    ARMENPAC is pleased to endorse the campaigns of the following candidates for
    the Unites States House of Representatives: ARIZONA: Rick Renzi (R-1), Raul
    Grijalva (D-7); CALIFORNIA: Mike Thompson (D-1), Doris Matsui (D-5), Lynn
    Woolsey (D-6), George Miller (D-7), Nancy Pelosi (D-8), Barbara Lee (D-9),
    Ellen Tauscher (D-10), Fortney Pete Stark (D-13), Anna Eshoo (D-14), Michael
    Honda (D-15), Zoe Lofgren (D-16), Dennis Cardoza (D-18), George Radanovich
    (R-19), Jim Costa (D-20), Devin Nunes (R-21), William Thomas (R-22), Lois
    Capps (D-23), Elton Gallegly (R-24), Howard McKeon (R-25), David Dreier
    (R-26), Brad Sherman (D-27), Howard Berman (D-28), Adam Schiff (D-29), Henry
    Waxman (D-30), Xavier Becerra (D-31), Hilda Solis (D-32), Diane Watson
    (D-33), Lucille Roybal-Allard (D-34), Grace Napolitano (D-38), Linda Sanchez
    (D-39), Edward Royce (R-40), Gary Miller (R-42), Joseph Baca (D-43), Loretta
    Sanchez (D-47), Darrell Issa (R-49), Bob Filner (D-51), Duncan Hunter
    (R-52), Susan Davis (D-53); COLORADO: Mark Udall (D-2); CONNECTICUT: John
    Larson (D-1), Robert Simmons (R-2), Rosa DeLauro (D-3), Christopher Shays
    (R-4), Nancy Johnson (R-5); DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA: Eleanor Norton (D-DL);
    FLORIDA: Michael Bilirakis (R-9), Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (R-18), Lincoln
    Diaz-Balart (R-21), Clay Shaw (R-22), Tom Feeney (R-24); GEORGIA: Sanford
    Bishop, Jr. (D-2), John Barrow (D-12); ILLINOIS: Bobby Rush (D-1), Jesse
    Jackson (D-2), Dan Lipinski (D-3), Luis Gutierrez (D-4), Danny Davis (D-7),
    Janice Schakowsky (D-9), Mark Steven Kirk (R-10), Jerry Weller (R-11), Jerry
    Costello (D-12), John Shimkus (R-19); INDIANA: Peter Visclosky (D-1), Mark
    Souder (R-3); KANSAS: Jerry Moran (R-1), Dennis Moore (D-3), Todd Tiahrt
    (R-4); KENTUCKY: Ben Chandler (D-6); LOUISIANA: Bobby Jindal (R-1); MAINE:
    Thomas Allen (D-1); MARYLAND: John Sarbanes (D-3), Albert Russell Wynn
    (D-4), Steny Hoyer (D-5), Roscoe Bartlett, Jr. (R-6), Christopher Van Hollen
    (D-8); MASSACHUSETTS: John Olver (D-1), Richard Neal (D-2), James McGovern
    (D-3), Barney Frank (D-4), Martin Meehan (D-5), John Tierney (D-6), Edward
    Markey (D-7), Michael Capuano (D-8), Stephen Lynch (D-9), William Delahunt
    (D-10); MICHIGAN: Vernon Ehlers (R-3), Dave Camp (R-4), Dale Kildee (D-5),
    Fred Upton (R-6), Michael Rogers (R-8), Joe Knollenberg (R-9), Candice
    Miller (R-10), Thaddeus McCotter (R-11), Sander Levin (D-12), Carolyn
    Kilpatrick (D-13), John Conyers (D-14), John Dingell (D-15); MINNESOTA: Gil
    Gutknecht (R-1), Betty McCollum (D-4), Mark Kennedy (R-6), Collin Peterson
    (D-7); NEVADA: Shelley Berkley (D-1), Jon Porter (R-3); NEW HAMPSHIRE: Jeb
    Bradley (R-1), Charles Bass (R-2); NEW JERSEY: Robert Andrews (D-1), Frank
    LoBiondo (R-2), Jim Saxton (R-3), Christopher Smith (R-4), Scott Garrett
    (R-5), Frank Pallone (D-6), Mike Ferguson (R-7), Bill Pascrell (D-8), Steven
    Rothman (D-9), Donald Payne (D-10), Rush Holt (D-12), Albio Sires (D-13);
    NEW YORK: Timothy H. Bishop (D-1), Steve Israel (D-2), Carolyn McCarthy
    (D-4), Gary Ackerman (D-5), Joseph Crowley (D-7), Anthony Weiner (D-9),
    Chris Owens (D-11), Nydia Velazquez (D-12), Carolyn Maloney (D-14), Charles
    Rangel (D-15), Eliot Engel (D-17), Nita Lowey (D-18), Michael McNulty
    (D-21), Maurice Hinchey (D-22); OHIO: Ted Strickland (D-6), Marcy Kaptur
    (D-9), Dennis Kucinich (D-10), Stephanie Tubbs Jones (D-11), Steven
    LaTourette (R-14); OREGON: Earl Blumenauer (D-3), Darlene Hooley (D-5);
    PENNSYLVANIA: Chaka Fattah (D-2), Phil English (R-3), Melissa Hart (R-4),
    Jim Gerlach (R-6), Curt Weldon (R-7), Michael Fitzpatrick (R-8), Allyson
    Schwartz (D-13), Michael Doyle (D-14), Charles Dent (R-15), Joseph Pitts
    (R-16), Tim Holden (D-17); RHODE ISLAND: Patrick Kennedy (D-1), James
    Langevin (D-2); SOUTH CAROLINA: Joe Wilson (R-2); SOUTH DAKOTA: Stephanie
    Herseth (D-At Large); TEXAS: Kenny Marchant (R-24), Lloyd Doggett (D-25),
    Eddie Johnson (D-30), John Carter (R-31); VIRGINIA: Eric Cantor (R-7), James
    Moran (D-8); WASHINGTON: Jim McDermott (D-7), Adam Smith (D-9); WISCONSIN:
    Paul Ryan (R-1), Tammy Baldwin (D-2).

    "It is imperative to the success of ARMENPAC's advocacy efforts that every
    eligible member of the Armenian-American community exercises his/her right
    to vote. The right to vote is a primary aspect of democratic governments,
    and ARMENPAC urges all Armenian-American's visit
    <> before doing so on November 7, 2006 to review
    their candidates' responses to the 2006 ARMENPAC Congressional Candidate
    Questionnaire," said ARMENPAC Co-Chairs Annie Totah and Edgar Hagopian.

    ARMENPAC is an independent, bipartisan political action committee with a
    nationwide membership. ARMENPAC raises awareness of, and advocates for,
    policies that help create peace, security and stability in the Caucasus
    region, while providing financial support to federal officeholders,
    candidates, political action committees and organizations that actively
    support issues of importance to Armenian-Americans. For more information
    and how to join ARMENPAC, please call (877) 286-1046 or visit <> .
