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Our Country Ranked 101st In Freedom Of Press 2005 Report

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  • Our Country Ranked 101st In Freedom Of Press 2005 Report

    By Ruzan Poghosian

    AZG Armenian Daily

    According to the rating elaborated by "Reporters without Borders"
    organization, Armenia is ranked 101st among 107 countries, behind
    not only Georgia (99), but also Turkey (98). Particularly, this year
    Armenia managed to institute a number of suits against journalists
    and deserved the criticism of the European structures.

    In the South Caucasus, the freedom of mass media sources is sharply
    violated in Azerbaijan (141st). The murder of independent journalist
    Elmar Husseynov in March testifies to the violence and harassment
    applied against the journalists. Meanwhile, gradually, the attacks
    on press freedom increase in the course of the pre-election activities.

    Russia occupies the 138th place, Ukraine - 112th, Tajikistan -
    114th, Khyrghyzia - 111th, Kazakhstan - 119th. The highest level of
    press freedom is observed in Denmark, Finland, Ireland, Island, the
    Netherlands, Norway and Switzerland. The situation with press freedom
    is the worst in Eritrea, Turkmenistan, and Northern Korea. The USA
    ranks the 53rd in the list because of George Bush's statement that
    any journalists who dares to cast doubts on the justice of "the war
    against terrorism" will be suspected, as well as because of the right
    of federal courts to demand sources of information from the media.

    The organization applied to various journalists, experts, foreign
    mass media sources, urging them to inform about all kinds of cases
    of violence or limitations applied against the journalists and the
    freedom of speech.

    Elsa Vidal, Head of CIS Countries Department, informed that the
    Armenian journalists and experts pointed out many cases of violence
    against the journalists, particularly, two journalists were threatened
    and five were attacked.

    According to "Reporters without Borders" organization, Armenia
    fixed regress from the viewpoint of the freedom of speech. Thus, in
    2003-2004, our country occupied the 90th place in the rating list,
    while last year it sharply moved to the 102nd.