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Caucasus Like Karabakh

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  • Caucasus Like Karabakh

    Oct 25 2006

    For Russia the Caucasus is the same as Karabakh for Armenia, stated
    Member of Parliament Hmayak Hovanisyan October 25 at the Hayeli Club,
    speaking about the Russian-Georgian relation. According to him, Russia
    uses the wrong methods to react to the hostility that began from the
    "spy games" by Georgia, but this reaction is appropriate and logical
    because Georgia offended Russia by striking its strategic interests.

    Hmayak Hovanisyan says the point is that they are trying to oust Russia
    from the region through Georgia but they have forgotten that all the
    Russian commanders were "baptized" in the Caucasus, the Caucasus was
    the theater of all the great historical battles of Russia. "Russia
    needed an idea of mobilization, and this idea has emerged," Hmayak
    Hovanisyan says.

    He thinks that Georgia offended Armenia as well by announcing that
    the actions of the spies were coordinated in Yerevan. Therefore,
    Hmayak Hovanisyan is surprised that Armenia did not give an adequate
    response despite the statement, though an impertinent one, by such
    a friendly member of parliament as Zatulin, says Hmayak Hovanisyan.

    According to him, the goal of integration with European and Western
    organizations is justified, whereas the tactics chosen by Georgia is
    wrong. Hovanisyan advises not to choose this tactics, be realistic
    and remember that 80 percent of transfers exceeding the budget of
    Armenia twice are made by the Armenians working in Russia.