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Did The Plane Take Gold And Drugs To Sochi Once In Three Months?

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  • Did The Plane Take Gold And Drugs To Sochi Once In Three Months?

    Oct 25 2006

    There is no official statement on the crash of the Armenian A320 May
    3 in Sochi, which took 113 lives. According to the initial conclusion
    of the Interstate Aviation Committee, the cause of the crash was the
    mistake of the pilot. Five months later the Russian media recalled the
    plane. In answer to this, the leader of the Nor Zhamanakner Party Aram
    Karapetyan stated some questions October 25 in Yerevan, which he will
    extend to the Attorney General on October 26. Aram Karapetyan said he
    got the information that gave rise to his questions from the media,
    as well as the National Security Service of Armenia and his source
    in Armavia. This is the only plane crash in Armenia over the past 20
    years, and unfortunately, the government is trying to forget about it,
    stated Aram Karapetyan.

    Q. 1. In the first telegram Yerevan received after the crash of the
    plane it was stated, "the plane disappeared from the display of the
    radar." According to Aram Karapetyan, experts say such telegrams
    are sent when the plane explodes. Did the procuracy pay attention to
    this circumstance?

    Q. 2. Did a criminal group try to get the plane land in Sochi and
    not return to Yerevan? Was there a fight? Was the captain of the
    liner beaten?

    Q. 3. Why did not the plane return to Yerevan when the dispatcher of
    Sochi warned that it is impossible to land there? Who in the territory
    of Georgia made the plane return to Sochi, and the plane did not get
    to its destination?

    Q. 5. Did the security service of the airport check all the VIP
    passengers? Did these passengers carry weapon, explosives? Were they
    checked? Are there records of the checking? We have learned that the
    VIP lounge is under 24 hour surveillance. Were these records and the
    video tape confiscated and attached to the criminal case?

    Q. 6. Is the information in the Russian media true, or is the reality
    different but it is presented this way to settle certain political

    Q. 7. Is it true that after deciphering the information of the data
    recorders the French party extended information on 6 parameters
    instead of the required 40 to the Russian party?

    The cause of the crash was not the mistake of the pilots, states the
    leader of the Nor Zhamanakner Party. Considering that nobody gives
    explanation or information to the National Assembly, Aram Karapetyan
    stated, "In most cases certain government agencies make no efforts,
    and it appears that the National Assembly is neglected. The society
    cannot get information." This leads to emergence of various rumors.

    For instance, Aram Karapetyan has heard that this plane took gold
    and drugs to Sochi once in three months.

    According to Aram Karapetyan, all the documents of the crashed plane
    were in another A320 of Armavia which burnt in the hangar in Belgium
    after the crash of A320.

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress