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ANKARA: Turkey's Attitude Towards So-called Armenian Genocide Is Mor

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  • ANKARA: Turkey's Attitude Towards So-called Armenian Genocide Is Mor


    Turkish Press
    Oct 25 2006

    BRUSSELS - "The attitude Turkey has assumed against so-called Armenian
    genocide allegations is more European than the attitude of France,"
    Turkish State Minister & Chief Negotiator for EU talks Ali Babacan
    who spoke at round-table meeting organized by think-tank institution
    "Friends of Europe" in Brussels said on Thursday.

    Regarding EU's enlargement process and Turkey's EU process, Babacan
    said that Turkey is ready to cooperate in every type of projects to
    eliminate misunderstandings in EU as well as in Turkish public.

    Babacan wanted EU to assess Turkey's membership in long-term by taking
    into consideration the economic and social transformation. He added
    that Turkey's EU membership should be based on logic and realities,
    not emotions.

    "When the issue is considered from EU's point of view, Turkey's
    membership will strengthen EU's global actor role. If EU wants to be a
    big actor in global level, it can achieve it easily through Turkey's
    membership. Turkey can have important contributions to extension of
    peace and prosperity in Balkans, Caucasus, Central Asia and Middle
    East," Babacan noted.

    Babacan said, "democratic institutions in Turkey are functioning
    better than those in several EU member countries. Also in economic
    aspect, Turkey is important with its location as a bridge between
    Asia and Europe as well as being a natural road between Europe and
    oil rich Iraq, Iran, Caspian basin and Central Asia. Turkey will have
    contributions to EU with its young, qualified and educated population."

    Regarding adoption the draft law criminalizing denial of so-called
    Armenian genocide by French Parliament, Babacan said that Turkey's
    attitude towards the issue is more European than the attitude of
    France. "Parliaments are not responsible of making decisions about
    history. We proposed establishment of a commission to research the
    allegations. We opened all documents and military archives and wanted
    the same thing (from Armenia) but we did not receive a positive
    response," he added.

    Babacan noted, "Turkey, by leaving the history to historians, assumed
    a more European attitude. French draft law contradicts freedom of
    expression which is one of the most basic values of EU."