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US Azerbaijanis Work To Keep Traditions Alive

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  • US Azerbaijanis Work To Keep Traditions Alive

    By Mike O'Sullivan

    Voice of America
    Oct 24 2006

    The modern state of Azerbaijan is just 15 years old, but the country,
    a part of the former Soviet Union, has maintained its distinctive
    traditions. Azerbaijani Americans are working to keep alive their
    culture and help others understand the nation's problems and
    potential. Mike O'Sullivan spoke with Azerbaijani Americans who
    attended a recent conference in Los Angeles.

    Asmar Eyvazova (l) and Nazrin Baghirova
    Nazrin Baghirova is studying educational administration at the
    University of Utah. She tells people about her country and its ancient
    capital, Baku, and often get quizzical looks, but says it is a great
    way to start a conversation.

    "It is always exciting for me to give them information [about] where
    I'm from and showing them the location of Azerbaijan on the map,
    and seeing their reaction - oh, wow," she said.

    Her friend, Asmar Eyvazova, works at center for distance education at
    the University of Texas, Arlington. When Asmar talks about Azerbaijan,
    reactions range from blank stares to limited recognition.

    Some people know, for example, that Azerbaijan has abundant oil
    supplies. A few realize that its population is mostly Turkic-speaking
    and Muslim. On occasion, she meets people who have traveled to

    "Those who have been to our country, they just really express it
    immediately that, oh, you are very hospitable," she said. "People
    are really nice and they like having guests and offer the best things
    that they have in their houses."

    Azerbaijan borders the Caspian Sea and Iran, Georgia, Armenia, Russia
    and Turkey. The region was in the news in the late 1980s and early
    1990s, and the news for Azerbaijan was mostly bad.

    A separatist movement of ethnic Armenians declared independence in
    the Azerbaijani enclave of Nagorno-Karabakh, where they formed the
    dominant group. Fighting erupted and Azerbaijan lost 16-percent of
    its territory to Armenia. The dispute is unresolved, despite a 1994
    cease-fire, and Azerbaijan is now coping with more than half a million
    displaced people.

    Elin Suleymanov Other Azerbaijanis are scattered around the world,
    and many have come to the United States to settle or study. Elin
    Suleymanov is consul general for Azerbaijan in Los Angeles. He
    estimates there are from 200,000 to 500,000 Azerbaijani Americans,
    a figure that includes ethnic Azeris from Iran.

    "They share the language and the culture, and attitude, and cuisine and
    everything else," he said. "And increasingly they share the identity."

    He says Azerbaijanis come from a difficult neighborhood, and part
    of the reason for holding this Los Angeles meeting is to get Azeri
    Americans to tell their story. He urged his countrymen to get involved
    in U.S. civic life and make sure their congressional representatives
    get to know them.

    One participant at the conference is not from Azerbaijan, but is
    helping educate the world about the Caucasus nation.

    Betty Blair Betty Blair edits a quarterly publication called Azerbaijan
    International. She and her husband, an Azerbaijani, started the
    magazine in 1993 to answer questions like this one she has encountered.

    "Is this in Africa? Where is it? What is it," she said.

    She says when she and her husband started the magazine, fighting was
    raging with Armenia, and Americans often heard the Armenian side.

    "That other side of the story was not being presented," she said.

    "And we just started very simply, 16 pages."

    Traditional Azerbaijani dancing Now, each issue the glossy magazine
    has 100 pages of articles and pictures on Azerbaijani history,
    literature, and culture. The couple also runs what is billed as the
    world's largest website about Azerbaijan, called

    Blair says that over the years, Azerbaijan has been under the rule of
    czars, shahs, caliphs and khans, and now, is coping with the problems
    of independence.

    The country has been called an authoritarian democracy. Critics say
    its oil wealth remains largely undeveloped and that the nation is
    mismanaged and plagued with corruption.

    But Azerbaijani Americans say their ties with their homeland are still
    strong, and that they hope to play a role in the country's development.