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Old Geghanush Tailing Pit Being Restored

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  • Old Geghanush Tailing Pit Being Restored


    YEREVAN, OCTOBER 26, NOYAN TAPAN. The company Dino Gold Mining is
    restoring the old Geghanush tailing pit to dump its waste there. Vahe
    Vardanian, head of the company's nature protection unit, told this to
    reporters during a media tour organized under the project "Promotion
    of Ecological Journalism in Armenian Regions for Monitoring of
    Environmental Protection Problems of the Corridor of the Eastern
    Caucasus Minor." The project is being implemented by the Ecolur NGO
    with the financial support of the Caucasian Program of the Critical
    Ecosystem Partnership Fund and the World Wildlife Fund (CEPF/WWF).

    V. Vardanian underlined that the tailing pit is being constructed
    with the use of modern technologies, and will have a closed cycle. The
    new construction will occupy not only the area of the old tailing pit
    but will also raise its level to the height of 50 meters. It means the
    nearby mountain slopes and land plots of inhabitants of the village of
    Geghanush will be covered by liquid waste of the enterprise.
    According to V. Vardanian, it is envisaged to pay compensation to
    these people.

    However, the head of the village community Grigor Safarian said that
    the opinions of village inhabitants were not taken into account during
    the ecological expert examination. While the new tailing pit is under
    construction, the waste is dumpted into the old one. Levon Petrosian,
    head of the territorial state nature protection inspection, explained
    to reporters that although the tailing pit is a temporary one, it
    performs its functions. Yet, according to local journalists, the waste
    is poured into the Vokhchi River without being treated.