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Fernando Gasparian: Publisher & industrialist

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  • Fernando Gasparian: Publisher & industrialist

    The Independent (London)
    October 26, 2006 Thursday
    First Edition

    FERNANDO GASPARIAN; Publisher and industrialist

    by Hugh O'Shaughnessy

    The industrialist Fernando Gasparian was a defender of democracy and
    the most distinguished publisher Brazil produced in the late 20th

    He was born in 1930 to parents of Armenian extraction and to the
    considerable prosperity the family textile business ensured. After
    studying engineering, he and his friends Rubens Paiva (who became a
    federal deputy and was later assassinated by the military), Almino
    Afonso and Marcos Pereira took over the periodical Jornal de Debates
    in 1953. It pursued a Brazil-centred line opposing much foreign
    investment and the privatisation of the state oil company Petrobras.

    Early in 1964 Gasparian bought America Textil, a substantial Rio de
    Janeiro textile company, which had got into difficulties and was
    being supported by the Banco do Brasil. After the US-supported
    military putsch against the civilian government of President João
    Goulart later that year, he was a target for the new dictatorship as
    a founder of the opposition Brazilian Democratic Movement, the MDB.
    The military cut off bank funding for his company. After the
    dictatorship lurched further to the right in 1969 Gasparian found it
    politic to leave Brazil, for exile, eventually finding a teaching
    post at St Antony's College, Oxford.

    He returned to Brazil in 1972 to found Opinião, a hard-hitting
    magazine which upset the dictatorship, also acquiring
    thepublishinghousePazeTerra.Overthe years this became a powerhouse of
    political and social thought and liberation theology. Alceu Amoroso
    Lima, Celso Furtado, Helio Jaguaribe, Fernando Henrique Cardoso,
    Octavio Paz, Torcuato di Tella, Alain Touraine, Brian Van Arkadie,
    Dudley Seers and Paulo Freire were among the imprint's authors.

    Gasparian returned to Oxford for a few months in 1973 before going
    home tolaunchthemonthly CadernosdeOpinião. Its second number enraged
    the military by carrying the text of a lecture by Hélder Cmara, the
    irrepressible archbishop of Olinda and Recife. Gasparian was charged
    with offences against "national security" by a regime which was
    obsessed by that slippery concept. In the event he was acquitted.
    Unabashed, the dictatorship had a bomb placed in his editorial
    offices in 1976.

    When dictatorship gave way to constitutional government Gasparian
    devot-edmoretimetopolitics,in1985becomin g treasurer for the campaign
    of his friend Fernando Henrique Cardoso forthemayoralty of São Paulo.
    In 1986 he was elected to the constituent assembly framing a new
    constitution, on which he served until 1988. There he pushed for a
    limit of 12 per cent on bank lending rates, financial support for
    agrarian reform, limitationson foreign investment in mining and a ban
    on capital punishment.

    >From 1993 to 1995 he was active in the Latin American Parliament. He
    was increasingly at odds with Cardoso after the
    latterwonthepresidencyandin1995publicly criticised what he saw as
    Cardoso's excessive reliance on foreign banks attracted to Brazil by
    high interest rates.

    Talking to Fernando Gasparian last month, I found him as eager for
    new projects and ideas as when I first met him in 1970. With his
    death, comments Bernardo Kucinski, "it can be said that a generation
    of patriotic businessmen committed to a scheme of national
    development has become extinct".

    Fernando Gasparian, industrialist and publisher: born São Paulo,
    Brazil 27 January 1930; married (three sons, one daughter); died São
    Paulo 7 October 2006.