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RA Defense Minister met with members of NATO Advisory Group

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  • RA Defense Minister met with members of NATO Advisory Group

    RA Defense Minister met with members of NATO Advisory Group
    27.10.2006 11:44

    October 26 President of the interagency commission coordinating the
    elaboration of RA draft National Security Strategy, Secretary of the
    Presidential Council on National Security, RA Defense Minister Serge
    Sargsyan met with members of the NATO International Advisory
    Group. The Group comprised Minister Plenipotentiary of the MFA of
    Slovenia Damyan Bergant, Adviser to the National Defense Minister of
    Lithuania James Gribovski, German Adviser to RA Government on Security
    Issues, Mayor General Holger Zamet, Representative of the UK Defense
    Ministry, Mayor General John Drevienkevich, Director of the
    International Relations Institute of Latvia, Dr. Atis Leints,
    representative of the Klement Ohridski University of Sofia, Professor
    Todor Tanev.

    `Armenpress' was told at the Press Service of RA Defense Ministry, at
    the start of the meeting the representative of Great Britain noted
    that the Advisory Group welcomes all the provisions of RA National
    Security Strategy on the development of state and civil society.
    Turning to security issues, members of the Group spoke about the
    complex geopolitical and strategic situation of Armenia, stating that
    two of the bordering countries ` Azerbaijan and Turkey ` have
    blockaded their common border with Armenia, and the vital route
    linking our country to the rest of the world passes through Georgia
    and Iran, which have found themselves in a complex geopolitical

    Turning to Armenia's foreign policy, members of the Group noted that
    it is primarily connected with the existence of two dearest questions
    for every Armenian ` Nagorno Karabakh and Genocide.

    At the end of the meeting the guests declared that in such situation
    Armenia has taken the decision to lead a balanced policy both from
    strategic or global and military or regional perspectives.