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Armenia/Azerbaijan, programme coordinator D7P for ICCO

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  • Armenia/Azerbaijan, programme coordinator D7P for ICCO

    Oneworld, Netherlands
    Oct 27 2006

    ICCO Personnel Co-operation

    ICCO is the Dutch inter-church organisation for development
    co-operation. Together with its partner organisations in Asia,
    Africa, Latin America, Eastern Europe, the Middle East and Central
    Asia, ICCO works towards a world without poverty and injustice.
    ICCO's partner organisations comprise local church-based and secular,
    non-governmental development organisations. Annually, ICCO spends
    over Euro 100 million on support to development programmes of these
    organisations, that stimulate people to create a just and safe living
    environment for themselves and for others.

    ICCO's Personnel Co-operation focuses on supporting capacity
    strengthening initiatives of ICCO's partner organisations, through
    the provision of personnel (on a short- or long-term basis) as well
    as through co-funding local capacity strengthening programmes. The
    department, therefore, mediates between requests for expertise from
    organisations in the South and the availability of qualified experts
    in the Netherlands or elsewhere. In 2005, around 75 experts were
    working abroad through ICCO, while dozens of funding agreements and
    short-term assignments were realised.

    Applicants for vacancies through ICCO Personnel Co-operation have
    specialised expertise and experience, but social involvement and
    concern are of equal importance.

    Armenia & azerbijan

    ICCO invites qualified candidates to apply for the position of:

    Programme Coordinator D&P Armenia and Azerbaijan

    Duration: From January 2007 - December 31, 2008

    Duty station: Tbilisi, Georgia

    Background of the function
    In the past years ICCO and IKV have supported Democratisation and
    Peace building (D&P) initiatives of a number of NGOs in the South
    Caucasus. In 2003 the capacity building program for the South
    Caucasus started. This program was an intervention to support 7 peace
    organizations from the Helsinki Citizens' Assembly network in
    developing their organizational and institutional capacities. The
    program was funded by PSO, through ICCO/Psa and IKV. In 2005 a mid
    term review was carried out.

    On the basis of the outcome of the MTR in 2006 a second phase for the
    above mentioned capacity building program is being developed for the
    period 2007-2008. The programme will be embedded in the overall ICCO
    D&P programme, addressing both HCA's as well as other ICCO-partner
    organisations in Armenia and Azerbaijan. The programme is titled
    "Civic Engagement in Peace building and Enhancement of Human Rights
    in Armenia and Azerbaijan", the programme will have a focus on civic
    engagement in peace and human rights issues and stimulating
    constructive public debate and dialogue. The programme of the HCA
    network, addressing the Nagorno Karabach conflict, is part of this
    programme. This program will exist of two components: (1) monitoring
    on the role of the army and (2) influencing programs of political

    ICCO is main responsible for the program. IKV is involved as an
    advisory party, and will support the capacity building interventions
    related to the peace building program through its own expertise and

    Job Description

    For the management, implementation and further development of the
    program, a program coordinator will be based in Tbilisi in an
    independent office, to facilitate relatively easy access from all

    Main tasks fields

    Programme development (policy and strategy) including linking and
    learning between partner organisations
    Facilitate the process of implementation of the programme by partner
    Capacity building of partner organisations
    Management of Capacity building funds and raise additional funding
    Office management of the (small) office in Tbilisi
    Monitoring and evaluation of the programme achievements
    Maintain external relations with International NGOs and participate
    in lobby initatives


    The programme coordinator has several years of experience abroad,
    preferably in D&P programmes and capacity building. Some experience
    with personnel management (coaching and on-the-job advising) and
    financial management is requested.

    Knowledge based competencies

    Ø Democratisation and Peace building

    Ø Civil Society development

    Ø Financial management

    Ø PM&E

    Ø Institutional Development and Organisational Strengthening

    Ø Knowledge of the Russian language is an asset

    Behavioural competencies

    Ø Cross cultural communication

    Ø Diplomacy

    Ø Coaching and developing others

    Ø Stress tolerance

    Ø Practical approach to organisation of work

    The appointee will sign a labour contract with the requesting
    organisation and a supplementary contract with the back-donor PSO
    ( Remuneration will be in accordance with PSO terms and
    conditions and includes a supplementary salary and a social security
    and insurance package.

    Inquiries about the position can be obtained from: Angelica Senders,
    Regional Coordinator, ICCO Personnel Co-operation ([email protected] or +31
    30 6927910). ICCO is open to applications from all nationalities, but
    will not reimburse travel costs, from outside of The Netherlands, for
    first interviews.

    Applicants should send a letter and a CV in English, by e-mail,
    before November 27th, 2006 to:

    ICCO Personnel Co-operation
    Mr. W. Schasfoort, Programme Leader
    P.O. Box 8190
    3503 RD UTRECHT
    The Netherlands
    phone: 00-31-(0)30 - 69 27 914
    fax: 00-31- (0)30 - 69 25 614
    e-mail: [email protected]
    internet: peningId=1194