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Short Political Activity May Occur In November

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  • Short Political Activity May Occur In November


    Lragir, Armenia
    Oct 30 2006

    Garnik Isagulyan, adviser to president on national security was
    hosted at the Azdak Club on October 28. It should be noted that
    Garnik Isagulyan's previous news conference was at the same Azdak
    Club on May 20, 2006. After a pause of five months he stated to the
    public that the political situation in Armenia is calm and there is
    nothing extraordinary. According to him, nothing will spark political
    activity in Armenia until the election. Isagulyan forecasts a little
    activity in November, which will last till New Year. "Everything is
    very calm. Of course, this has its reasons, and unfortunately, this
    affects the reputation of the country and generally all the processes,
    and this is the fault of certain people," says Garnik Isagulyan. He
    says this is the fault of "the political organizations which have been
    unable to realize over these years that the political opposition, the
    political dialogue or the political debates involve definite problems,
    and they stepped up their activity against definite persons." In
    speaking about this, Garnik Isagulyan says they had better go to the
    regions and underpin their political party, which they failed to do.

    "In this connection, it is difficult to try to establish a new
    political situation based on these worn out activities in the
    Republic of Armenia. I think this may produce a negative effect in
    the pre-election stage and during the elections, because if there
    is no fair competition, if there is no struggle, the outcome of the
    elections becomes clear beforehand, and the same problems will occur
    involving electoral fraud, etc," says the adviser to Robert Kocharyan.

    Naturally, he uses the phrase "worn-out activities" to describe the
    activities of the political parties which criticize the government.

    Meanwhile, Garnik Isagulyan avoided assessing the activities of the
    pro-government political parties, meanwhile, his political party,
    which is called "National Security", could also be listed among them.

    Isagulyan did not speak much about his own political party either. He
    only says they will run in the parliamentary election, but he declines
    to say what his political party does to improve the political
    situation. Isagulyan only says that they are doing something, and
    the results will become visible in the end.