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ANKARA: Turks Still Rule Europe

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  • ANKARA: Turks Still Rule Europe


    Journal of Turkish Weekly, Turkey
    Oct 30 2006

    If you are reading me for the first time, please read to the end before
    sending me hate mail. Yes, it is provocative to claim such a thing. You
    may be asking yourself, "How come this poor nation which has no major
    contribution to Europe other than Turkish coffee, doner(shwarma)
    and kebap can rule Europe?" But, at the end of this article you will
    probably have some sympathy for me, of which I need a lot. Love me!

    We, Turks, with our tiny GDP and large population, are ruling Europe
    without doing anything. Absolutely anything...We watch our Ibo Shows on
    Sunday nights, we curse to referees and football players on Saturdays,
    invade Cyprus and kill Armenians for the rest of the week, and that
    is enough for Turks to rule Europe...

    You may be thinking that I am becoming sarcastic again, and yes,
    you are right!

    But honestly, weren't the Turks a determining factor in the EU
    constitution referendums in Holland and France? How about the German
    elections? Let's think about the coming French elections, too.

    Meanwhile, what is happening in Austria?

    So, what are Turks doing to humbly enjoy this much importance?

    Nothing, a million zeros without any significant digits...

    Think about the referendums across Europe: What if Turkey had asserted
    its position as "If there is a 'Yes' for this constitution, we will
    not be joining Europe and we will skip out on our plans to be in
    the union.". This move alone may result with 5 or 6 percent shift
    between confronting opinions, which will be more than enough to get
    the constitution approved.

    In France, being anti-Turkish may earn you those crucial points to be
    a president. Turkey saying that "We will increase our trade and aspire
    to join EU if Sarkozy is elected. Oh meanwhile, Sarkozy privately
    promised us to join Schengen by 2008" will probably neutralize
    the Armenian game. Worse than that, it may cost Sarkozy the French
    presidency... A dirty game to rule Europe!

    How about Austria? The election billboards based on Turkey- EU
    relations are helping the some political parties to increase their
    share and hence power in the parliament. If someone can spice up
    another "Armenian game" for Austria, Turkey can be one of the crucial
    elements in determining the government in Austria.

    But once again, what is the role of the Turks in this? Absolutely
    nothing! The whole "European Turkey" discussion is going on with
    little or no interference from the Turks. The European leaders promise
    "carrots", show their "Armenian", "Cyprus", and "Kurdish" sticks, but
    at the end of the day, they become locked inside these carrot-stick

    Actually, I have a much more radical, sarcastic theory. Turks determine
    the governments in major parts of Europe. They are enjoying this power,
    which the Ottoman Empire could only dream of.

    There is also that paradox, I suspect, which may be quite real. The
    road to the power is made up of several parameters. Generally, there
    are not too many differences between political parties regarding
    economic, military, and social policies. But the main differences
    appear as Turks enter into any one of these parameters.

    So being against a "European Turkey" becomes a key determinant for
    power. But after grabbing power, a new picture emerges in which
    there is the necessity to integrate Turkey into Europe somehow
    (full/privileged membership), as we have seen with elected leaders
    changing position like Merkel and possibly, in the future, Sarkozy.

    This is not an indication of the changing ideas but real politik.

    Think otherwise, when Turkey rejects being part of the EU, the EU
    presses Turkey more for completing reforms and being part of a larger
    EU. When Turkey completes the reforms and expects end results, the EU
    will start discussing whether Turkey is part of Europe or not. This
    discussion will annoy Turks and Turkey will once again suspend being
    part of Europe, and again Europe presses and so on....

    Why is Turkey hard to reject or accept? This has many answers, which
    I do not have time to discuss...

    During the power play, this real politik ebbs from the popularity
    of these elected leaders, because of their way of manipulating the
    public opinion to grab the power. And once again, Turks cost these
    leaders their thrones.

    Also, in this political game, Turks owe most to the Armenian
    Diasporas, Greek Cyprus, and other anti-Turkish lobby groups. It
    is a pleasure to sit in our homes, watching TV, and being able to
    determine the governments in Europe by just being fantastic "Conan
    the Barbarian"-like characters in the poor European voters' mind.

    It is a pleasure dear guys, especially Armenians, Cypriots, and
    Christian Europeanists! Work more. If you do so, and if I like it,
    I will buy you candy.

    A flashback to the original question... In a Europe, where the
    differences between political parties and their leaders become less
    and less visible, what are the main parameters to determine those
    crucial 4-5 points for the power? You cannot deny that Turks or Turkey
    joining Europe is among one of them.

    Do you still think I am provocative? I may be...but whether Turkey
    is European or not, Turks still and probably will rule Europe and
    European politics. Now, you can kiss my hand!

    [email protected]