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Karabakh Grateful to Diaspora for Invaluable Assistance

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  • Karabakh Grateful to Diaspora for Invaluable Assistance


    Karabakh Grateful to Diaspora for Invaluable Assistance
    01.09.2006 16:06 GMT+04:00

    /PanARMENIAN.Net/ Artsakh appreciates greatly the Diaspora's
    assistance rendered for the formation of the young state, Nagorno
    Karabakh President Arkady Ghukasian said in an interview with Azat
    Artsakh newspaper. In his words, thanks to the close cooperation with
    the Diaspora, hundreds of kilometers of roads, dozens of schools and
    other social institutions were built in Nagorno Karabakh.

    `It's time for equal and mutually beneficial cooperation between
    Artsakh and Diaspora, though I by no means diminish the importance of
    the humanitarian assistance rendered by our compatriots. I think that
    the Diaspora, first of all in the United States and France, could
    render efficient assistance in the political field, that is for the
    international recognition of the Nagorno Karabakh Republic. I am
    convinced that during 15 years of its existence the NKR has asserted
    the right for an independent state. I would like to express my deep
    gratitude to those who made contribution to Artsakh's renaissance,'
    the NKR leader underscored.