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As Lebanon's Troops Deploy, Hezbollah Stays Put in South

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  • As Lebanon's Troops Deploy, Hezbollah Stays Put in South

    The Washington Post
    September 1, 2006 Friday
    Final Edition

    As Lebanon's Troops Deploy, Hezbollah Stays Put in South;
    Across the Region, Militia and Army Operate in Parallel

    by Edward Cody, Washington Post Foreign Service

    GHANDOURIYEH, Lebanon Aug. 31

    Backed by an M113 armored personnel carrier, Lebanese soldiers
    wearing flak vests and carrying M16 automatic rifles manned a
    checkpoint at the little crossroads marking the entrance to Al

    On a decorative archway nearby, the Lebanese flag with its
    distinctive green cedar flapped proudly, proclaiming restored
    national authority. Just above it on the pole, however, another flag
    flew: the yellow and green banner of Hezbollah, with an AK-47 assault
    rifle depicted atop the word "God." The arrangement seemed to
    illustrate popular sentiment in this heavily damaged village in
    southern Lebanon.

    Heeding the U.N. cease-fire resolution that stopped the 33-day war
    between Israel and Hezbollah 2 1/2 weeks ago, the Lebanese army has
    deployed across the rocky hillsides and stone villages between the
    Litani River and the Israeli border. But to all appearances, the
    deployment has not displaced Hezbollah, the militant Islamic movement
    that Israel and the United States say must be destroyed as an armed
    force if peace is to return to this tortured land.

    In Al Ghandouriyeh and a number of other villages seen during a drive
    through the border region, Hezbollah flags flew high and wide, often
    alongside Lebanese flags. Hezbollah members staffed reconstruction
    offices, held town council meetings and stood at their own
    checkpoints in what seemed to be cordial coexistence with the
    recently arrived army troops.

    No weapons were visible except those carried by the soldiers. But
    many of the young Hezbollah supporters were of fighting age and
    seemed ready for another call-up if the need arose. In the agreement
    that led to the army's deployment, Hezbollah pledged that its
    fighters would put away their weapons. But the Lebanese government
    promised Hezbollah in return that its soldiers would not try to find
    out where the arms were stored.

    The deal seemed to be working Thursday in Al Ghandouriyeh, which lies
    about 20 miles inland from Tyre and six miles northwest of the
    Israeli border. Heavy fighting raged here in the final days of the
    war as Israeli troops who had been helicoptered in encountered
    unexpectedly stiff resistance from Hezbollah defenders. The men of Al
    Ghandouriyeh openly displayed pride in what they had accomplished on
    the battlefield and seemed to have nothing to fear from the army
    troops lounging nearby.

    "Do you think the Israelis are afraid of us now?" asked a middle-aged
    resident. "When they came, they thought they were heading for just
    more Arabs. But they found out. We are poor around here, but now we
    are strong."

    Before the war, Hezbollah members were notorious for secrecy, hiding
    their weapons underground and concealing their association with the
    organization from even their closest friends and relatives. But since
    the Hezbollah militia held its own against the vaunted Israeli army
    for more than a month, membership has become a point of pride, to be
    flaunted with fatigues or a yellow-and-green flag.

    Ali Kandouh, an emigrant to Kuwait who returned to Al Ghandouriyeh to
    bury a brother killed in the fighting, said he and the rest of the
    village welcome the army's deployment, which amounts to about 50
    soldiers and several armored vehicles headquartered in the heavily
    damaged local schoolhouse. Hezbollah's emergence was largely due in
    the first place to the government's absence over the last three
    decades, he said.

    "I'm glad the army is here," he said, drinking coffee as a group of
    villagers sat nearby under Hezbollah banners. "It's good. Now I can
    sleep at night. Before they came, the Israelis could come in the
    night and take someone away. But now maybe the soldiers will protect

    Hassan Deeb, a 17-year-old in fatigues and a T-shirt, also applauded
    the army's arrival, saying it was the duty of the government to
    protect the southern border villages. "The trouble with the army," he
    said, smiling, "is that they came only after the fighting stopped.

    "They had to have a decision by the government to come," he added.
    "All the while the war was on, there was no decision. And now that
    it's over, they get their decision and they come."

    The Lebanese government has pledged to send 15,000 soldiers to the
    area and to reinstate government authority after two decades during
    which many of the tasks of local administration -- and military
    preparations -- were left to Hezbollah. The United Nations Interim
    Force in Lebanon, or UNIFIL, which has patrolled the border for 28
    years, estimated that three battalions amounting to about 5,000
    soldiers have arrived so far.

    Jeeps with camouflage netting were seen Thursday purring down the
    region's narrow roads, pockmarked by four weeks of Israeli pummeling.
    Schools, factories and bombed-out homes have been requisitioned as
    temporary quarters for the thinly equipped troops. Heavy trucks
    snorted up and down the hills, bringing in supplies from Beirut.

    Prime Minister Fouad Siniora said Wednesday he will send 8,000 more
    soldiers to reinforce the border with Syria. The announcement
    appeared designed to meet another Israeli demand -- preventing
    Hezbollah from replenishing its weapons stores with Iranian-supplied
    arms sent through Syria.

    The extent of army deployment here has been a contentious issue
    between Israel and Lebanon. The Israeli prime minister, Ehud Olmert,
    has made it clear he will lift the seven-week-old air and sea
    blockade of Lebanon only after all 15,000 Lebanese troops are
    deployed and are joined by a 15,000-member reinforced UNIFIL as
    outlined in the cease-fire resolution.

    The current UNIFIL strength stands at 2,000. About 900 Italian troops
    sailed out Tuesday on their way to southern Lebanon as the first
    major UNIFIL reinforcement, a down payment on a pledge of 2,500
    Italian troops on the ground and hundreds more for logistics. They
    were expected to arrive in Tyre on Friday, according to a UNIFIL
    spokesman, Milos Strugar.

    France has promised 2,000 troops as well, with the first contingent
    to arrive in the middle of September. A 200-man French engineering
    unit has been in Lebanon for the past two weeks preparing the way.

    Several other European nations have promised to send smaller
    contingents. U.N. Secretary General Kofi Annan said he is eager to
    get Muslim troops into the UNIFIL mix as well, noting that
    Bangladesh, Malaysia and Indonesia have volunteered to dispatch
    substantial numbers of soldiers. Israel has objected to the presence
    of those countries in the force, however, because they do not have
    relations with the Jewish state.

    Turkey, which maintains active economic and diplomatic relations with
    Israel, has decided in principle to volunteer some troops. The
    decision remains sensitive, however, because of the long Ottoman role
    in Lebanon and, internally, because of objections from Lebanon's
    Armenian community over the Turkish slaughter of Armenians in 1915.