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BAKU: Azerbaijan protests independence parade in breakaway region

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  • BAKU: Azerbaijan protests independence parade in breakaway region

    Azerbaijan protests independence parade in breakaway region

    ANS TV, Baku
    2 Sep 06

    [Presenter] A holiday was marked today on the Azerbaijani land
    occupied by Armenians. The separatists of Nagornyy Karabakh celebrated
    the 15th anniversary of the occupation and of the republic that they
    had set up there. Baku believes that this is nothing more than an
    attempt to wreck the talks.

    [Correspondent] Armenians have marked the 15th anniversary of the
    separatist regime set up in Nagornyy Karabakh. They even held a
    military parade. [Video showed Russian TV footage]

    Members of the separatist regimes of [Moldova's] Dniester, [Georgia's]
    South Ossetia and Abkhazia also arrived in Xankandi [Stepanakert].

    [Passage omitted: more details of the celebrations]

    TV channels of Russia, which has undertaken a role within the OSCE
    Minsk Group to mediate a settlement to the Karabakh conflict, have
    demonstrated support for the self-styled regime. Russia TV's "Vesti"
    news programme presented the self-proclaimed republic as an
    independent entity, separate from Azerbaijan. Have a look, this is
    what they showed - Nagornyy Karabakh as an independent entity and
    Arkadiy Gukasyan as its president.

    A reporter of the news programme, Marina Aleksandrova, sees nothing
    wrong in this.

    [Russian journalist by telephone] There are Abkhazia and Dniester. We
    usually present these two entities exactly the same way as Nagornyy
    Karabakh. These are similar conflicts.

    [Passage omitted: more about Russia TV channels' reports on Karabakh]

    [Correspondent] There should also be measures in place to prevent
    international structures from questioning Azerbaijan's territorial

    [Akif Nagi, head of the Karabakh Liberation Organization] The USA's
    first ambassador to Armenia has recently sent a message congratulating
    them on their independence. This shows this country's attitude. These
    people are government officials, and the authorities should not keep
    aloof as though they have nothing to do with the issue. [Passage
    omitted: reiteration of similar ideas]

    [Corespondent] The head of the Azerbaijani Foreign Ministry's
    Information and Press Department, Tahir Tagizada, believes that
    celebrations like these in the occupied region of Nagornyy Karabakh
    have a negative impact on the negotiations. Both the separatist regime
    and Armenia and international organizations should understand that
    Azerbaijan's territorial integrity cannot be a subject of talks and
    that Baku will never cede even an inch of its land.

    Tagizada also said that a letter by Armenian President Robert
    Kocharyan to the leadership of the self-styled republic demonstrating
    support had once again shown that Yerevan was not interested in
    constructive negotiations.

    Afat Telmanqizi, ANS.