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BAKU: Settlement of Armenia-Azerbaijan, NK conflict - major problem

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  • BAKU: Settlement of Armenia-Azerbaijan, NK conflict - major problem

    AzerTag, Azerbaijan
    Sept 2 2006


    [September 02, 2006, 13:52:41]

    On September 1, Defense Minister of Azerbaijan, colonel-general Safar
    Abiyev has met with the ambassador of the United Kingdom of the Great
    Britain and Northern Ireland to the country Lawrence Bristow, press
    service of the Ministry told.

    Ambassador L. Bristow, speaking of the purpose of the meeting, has
    noted: `After visit of the Duke of York, Prince Andrew to Azerbaijan,
    interest of the Great Britain to Azerbaijan has increased. He has
    noted that settlement of the Armenia-Azerbaijan, Nagorno-Karabakh
    conflict is the major problem for Azerbaijan. We hope that this
    conflict will shortly find solution. The United Kingdom now takes big
    interest in resolution to this question.

    Colonel-general Safar Abiyev has noted: `Azerbaijan cooperates with
    the Great Britain both in the frame of the NATO's `Individual
    Partnership Program" , and in a bilateral format. We know that the
    Great Britain also is interested in settlement of the
    Armenia-Azerbaijan, Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. Azerbaijan gives great
    value to expansion of cooperation with the Great Britain.

    Having ascertained, that Azerbaijan makes efforts for the peace
    resolution of conflict, the Minister said: `Armenia takes of a
    destructive position, therefore, elimination of the problem is
    delayed. Armenia does not carry out requirements of 4 Resolutions of
    Security Council of the United Nations in connection with the given
    conflict, and the world community does not exert to Armenia any
    pressure for the quick withdrawal of its armies from the occupied
    territories. Azerbaijan will never reconcile that its lands were
    under the Armenian occupation. `Using all political, economic means,
    including the military way, we shall release our lands', Abiyev

    Ambassador L. Bristow has noted: `We well understand, what factors
    define the today's policy of Azerbaijan. Azerbaijan has the right to
    release its lands. At the same time, the Azerbaijan state should
    carry out this policy in the balanced form. The given policy should
    form harmonious economic, political development of Azerbaijan and, at
    last, promote peaceful clearing of its lands. `My 3-years supervision
    on Southern Caucasus allow come to such a conclusion, that the
    Armenian society has undergone pressure of external forces'.

    Safar Abiyev has emphasized: `We consider, that the present policy
    pursued by the Armenian state will lead to its full breakdown. It is
    impossible to forget history. It has been for thirteen years as the
    Azerbaijani lands are under occupation of Armenia. But Armenia should
    not forget, that present territory of the Armenian state is former
    Azerbaijani land'.

    The Ambassador, estimating military-political conditions on Southern
    Caucasus, has noted: `Turkey is one of the leading states of NATO.
    The economic base of Azerbaijan is strong and harmoniously develops
    in all branches. In what position there will be Armenia in 10-15

    Then, colonel-general Safar Abiyev and Mr. L. Bristow had
    comprehensive exchange of views on present military-political
    conditions on Southern Caucasus, historical roots of
    Arm3enian-Turkish and Armenian-Azerbaijani conflicts. He has noted,
    that delay of settlement of the Armenia-Azerbaijan, Nagorno-Karabakh
    conflict represents greater threat for large economic projects
    carried out in Azerbaijan.

    Therefore, the European states participating in the mentioned
    projects, including the Great Britain, should demand from the
    Armenian state - the aggressor to refuse the claims and as soon as
    possible to withdraw armies from the Azerbaijani territories.

    The guest, having emphasized, that Azerbaijan is on a correct way in
    the question of settlement of the conflict, has expressed confidence
    that its just cause would shortly win. `Today, there is no factor
    interfering economic development of Azerbaijan. Injustice concerning
    Azerbaijan should be as soon as possible eliminated', he underlined.

    Minister of Defense, having noted, that shares his views, has told:
    `The European states should understand this, we together should put
    for this effort.

    The sides also focused developments of questions of the Azeri-British
    military cooperation.

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress