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EU Urges Turkey To Face Armenian 'Genocide'

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  • EU Urges Turkey To Face Armenian 'Genocide'

    Aug 5 2006

    Turkey must recognise the Armenian genocide as a precondition for EU
    entry, senior MEPs have insisted.

    In a vote on Monday evening, the European parliament's foreign affairs
    committee expressed regret that Turkey was not facing up to its past.

    "The committee wants recognition of the Armenian genocide to be a
    clear pre-condition for EU entry and this will now be put to the
    plenary vote," parliamentary rapporteur Camiel Eurling said on Tuesday.

    Hundreds of thousands of Armenians were killed in Turkey between 1915
    and 1917 - but the Ankara government rejects the genocide claim.

    The report sparked a huge discussion in the prominent parliamentary
    committee - with over 300 amendments filed.

    Some MEPs fear Eurling's report is serving to ignite anti-Turkish

    "As far as the European parliament is concerned, there are still many
    unhealthy prejudices about Turkey, with Turcophobes willing to seize
    upon any pretext to block the accession process," UK Liberal Andrew
    Duff said in a statement.

    "I will be trying to strengthen the parliament's appreciation of
    Turkey's potential contribution to the development of a common EU
    foreign, security and defence policy."

    This sentiment was echoed by Green MEPs. "The report adopted by the
    foreign affairs committee has once again raised the bar for Turkey,
    as regards the progress it has to make towards EU accession in a
    number of areas," said a statement.

    "If the demands on Turkey are made progressively tougher in every
    annual report, it creates the impression in Turkey that the European
    parliament is opposed to Turkey's accession to the EU."

    Freedom of expression

    The Eurling report calls on Turkey to speed up key democratic reforms.

    "We have seen a clear slow down in reforms and that is regrettable,"
    Eurling declared.

    "Freedom of expression is a vital issue. We have welcomed Turkey's
    modernisation of the penal code - in particular the decision to
    abolish the death penalty. But other articles of the code continue
    to be abused by judges."

    The centre-right Dutch politician called on Ankara to remove or amend
    articles that allowed judges to limit freedom of expression.


    MEPs have also urged Turkey "to take concrete steps for the
    normalization of bilateral relations" with Cyprus "as soon as

    In July last year Turkey signed up to the Ankara agreement - extending
    customs union to the ten new EU member states including Cyprus.

    But Eurling warned that the protocol has still not been implemented.

    "It is important for the credibility of EU institutions that if Turkey
    signed the Ankara protocol that it is also implemented," he insisted.

    "It must be implemented by the end of 2006 otherwise we fear serious
    implications for the accession negotiations."

    MEPs will vote on the amended report in a Strasbourg plenary session
    in three weeks time.

    The European commission has reserved comment until the final vote
    but a spokesman, on Tuesday, described the report as a "valuable